first time grow hows it look?


Well-Known Member
thanks lol atleast someone cares i think i maybe need this moved to the grow journal section if any mod could do that for me or if i can do it myself somone tell me. thanks


Well-Known Member
for a CFL grow they look pretty darn good. nice training. very healthy. hope it all comes out as well.


Well-Known Member
sweet thanks to fdd2blk for transplanting my thread lol. hopefully now it will get some more attention everyone please give me there 2 cents. i have read everything there is to read pretty much but IMO nothing beats experienced personal opinion. so hows it look? my lights wont come on for a few more hours but ill have some more pics up later tonight.


Well-Known Member
cool so u like the training. yeah i was unsure about it but the logic to it seemed to all be there so i went for it. i mean the more bud sites u can get closer to the light the better right? or is it better to just let one huge bud site grow?


Well-Known Member
ok well batteries are dead in the cam so pics will have to wait till i can go to the store and get more. but it is looking awesome. i went ahead and took off all the training strings. was this a good idea? i just thought it would be better to just let it go on its own. will the branches straighten back up or will they hold their shape? i was just worried about the strings gettin in the way of the buds lol.


Well-Known Member
ahhh guys ok i think i may have done something terrible. i was training my plant pulling down the two main branches (its topped) and the main stem split in half about an inch down. i quickly secured it back together with a ziptie and have been misting it keeping it moist. did i kill it? or u think it will survive?


Well-Known Member
actually i had done the same thing on my last grow. it may stunt it a bit but it will live. just try not to split it anymore. and your plant looks beautiful! :D


Active Member
Only if i knew how to kno sum wun should teach me!..cuz im trying get in the business..and yea..!..


Well-Known Member
awesome i was really worried for a bit but its been about 24 hrs now and no real sing of any harm in fact it grew quite a bit last night. i still have not picked up any batteries yet but updated pics will be coming soon