First Time Grow... everything has been perfect until past few days


alright i am gonna try to make this as short but as descriptive as possible. First off thanks for anybodys feedback in dvance!! anyways i am a first time grower... i am in nor cal with a few relatives and everthing is in cordinance with prop 215. our family has 8 plants that we originally bought as clones from a collective on may aunt who lived out here knew a guy that had some soil from a grow last year was suppose to be all organic... when we got here in may we went to get the soil, it had been covered with newspaper then with hay. after we removed it we discovered alpaca shit sprinkled on top.... we tried to remove as much as we could. we then loaded enough for our 8 plants which are in 100 gallon magic growing cloth bags( similar to smart pots i beleive?) since we did not know the nutrient level we didnt wait long to start feeding nutrients. when we first got the plants we were scared to overwater so we end up under watering and stunting the growth with a combination of heat stress as we had plastic sheeting enclosing them (greenhouse without top) and heating the area up. (this was around july 9th) frow then on they grew nice up until the past 2 or 3 days... as for the soil i have included a pic , looks to have lots of perlite and seems to hold water well... i have fed these things 1tsp fish emulsion, 1 tsp grow big fox farm all of veg... now half are flowering and i have started them with earth juice bloom original fforrula 1 tbsp, the earth juice catalyst 1 tsp, hi brix molases 1 tbsp, and a 1/2 tsp of calimagic Cal Mag then moving to full dosage as well as taking them off of grow big... the first feeding into flowering inlcluded fox farm grow big 1 tsp (NO fish emo) then the second will include a half dosage then no more!!! we have done the feedings every other watering and started with the root ball then moved up to 8-9 gallons per watering/feeding so back to the problem.... first off it is non specific ( to ones flowering or what not) and the past week and half - two weeks have been pretty warm...from aug 11-17(6 days) the highs avg 102-103...several days before that its was in the high 90s and the lows at night were upper 70s/ lower 80s (i am in grow bags ..root zone temps?) thur the 16th i was gone until 10 pm but didnt think any thing of it since they looked pretty healthy before... but when i woke up friday the 17 i saw half wilted terribly. some are showing mag def and nitro def as heavy yellowing of the inner bottom fan leaves and evening crunchy drying of some .... we checked the soil and it was def still moist a inch or 2 down in some places so we didnt want to over water so we went from the 15th until today to water/feed (which ever is needed) and now they are looking better... we have heard where if there is too much water around the edges it can deprive the roots of o2 so we used areated water(stones) with 1 tsp/gal h2o2 (3%).... the only other thing i could think of is bugs as i have seen a few fungus gnats ??? flying around the main stem or base of stalk... i have looked for fungus larvae but could find any and root aphids as well but no luck... i have included a pic of the bug... we were waiting forthe plants to look better before giving them some go gnats as we will give them 1 soil drench 2 gallons per plant and a light mist foliar... i dont really think its an infestation but i am a first time grower... however i feel that i would see one as i observed the soild cloesely for hours the past few days as well as read forum after forum.... it acts as it needed water but like i said the soil was wet in places... nothing has changed they have received nutes every other watering... i have added worm castings and blood meal lightly bi weekly and now no more blood meal.... i will include a pic of the plants now and the most recent before this disaster... i know this is long but felt it was needed to correctly diagnose my pics will include: soil, some of the leaves that are damaged or show def, whole plant after terrible wilt, plant uneffected by w/e this is , as well as a pic of the bugs i mentioned around the base... we have all spent our paychecks on this for the past 2 1/2 months and wanna save some money so i hope they pull through... any advice is help ful... thanks for ur time riu



Well-Known Member
alright i am gonna try to make this as short but as descriptive as possible. First off thanks for anybodys feedback in dvance!! anyways i am a first time grower... i am in nor cal with a few relatives and everthing is in cordinance with prop 215. our family has 8 plants that we originally bought as clones from a collective on may aunt who lived out here knew a guy that had some soil from a grow last year was suppose to be all organic... when we got here in may we went to get the soil, it had been covered with newspaper then with hay. after we removed it we discovered alpaca shit sprinkled on top.... we tried to remove as much as we could. we then loaded enough for our 8 plants which are in 100 gallon magic growing cloth bags( similar to smart pots i beleive?) since we did not know the nutrient level we didnt wait long to start feeding nutrients. when we first got the plants we were scared to overwater so we end up under watering and stunting the growth with a combination of heat stress as we had plastic sheeting enclosing them (greenhouse without top) and heating the area up. (this was around july 9th) frow then on they grew nice up until the past 2 or 3 days... as for the soil i have included a pic , looks to have lots of perlite and seems to hold water well... i have fed these things 1tsp fish emulsion, 1 tsp grow big fox farm all of veg... now half are flowering and i have started them with earth juice bloom original fforrula 1 tbsp, the earth juice catalyst 1 tsp, hi brix molases 1 tbsp, and a 1/2 tsp of calimagic Cal Mag then moving to full dosage as well as taking them off of grow big... the first feeding into flowering inlcluded fox farm grow big 1 tsp (NO fish emo) then the second will include a half dosage then no more!!! we have done the feedings every other watering and started with the root ball then moved up to 8-9 gallons per watering/feeding so back to the problem.... first off it is non specific ( to ones flowering or what not) and the past week and half - two weeks have been pretty warm...from aug 11-17(6 days) the highs avg 102-103...several days before that its was in the high 90s and the lows at night were upper 70s/ lower 80s (i am in grow bags ..root zone temps?) thur the 16th i was gone until 10 pm but didnt think any thing of it since they looked pretty healthy before... but when i woke up friday the 17 i saw half wilted terribly. some are showing mag def and nitro def as heavy yellowing of the inner bottom fan leaves and evening crunchy drying of some .... we checked the soil and it was def still moist a inch or 2 down in some places so we didnt want to over water so we went from the 15th until today to water/feed (which ever is needed) and now they are looking better... we have heard where if there is too much water around the edges it can deprive the roots of o2 so we used areated water(stones) with 1 tsp/gal h2o2 (3%).... the only other thing i could think of is bugs as i have seen a few fungus gnats ??? flying around the main stem or base of stalk... i have looked for fungus larvae but could find any and root aphids as well but no luck... i have included a pic of the bug... we were waiting forthe plants to look better before giving them some go gnats as we will give them 1 soil drench 2 gallons per plant and a light mist foliar... i dont really think its an infestation but i am a first time grower... however i feel that i would see one as i observed the soild cloesely for hours the past few days as well as read forum after forum.... it acts as it needed water but like i said the soil was wet in places... nothing has changed they have received nutes every other watering... i have added worm castings and blood meal lightly bi weekly and now no more blood meal.... i will include a pic of the plants now and the most recent before this disaster... i know this is long but felt it was needed to correctly diagnose my pics will include: soil, some of the leaves that are damaged or show def, whole plant after terrible wilt, plant uneffected by w/e this is , as well as a pic of the bugs i mentioned around the base... we have all spent our paychecks on this for the past 2 1/2 months and wanna save some money so i hope they pull through... any advice is help ful... thanks for ur time riu
Water only at this point. You probably have nute lockout to some degree. The high heat? The plant just wants to survive. She doesn't give a shit about bud and yellow leaves. Stop the extreme care for a while and back off. She might die but she definitely will - obviously - if you maintain this approach. Put some dolomite or gypsum on top and water and leave alone.


Well-Known Member
The soil looks really is easy for the nutes you thought were at perfect levels to end up being too much once flowering starts sometimes...Also if the bloom nutes are too high, it can lockout nitrogen and make the plant yellow and drop it's leaves too soon.


alright thanks for the input... yeah it would make sense for the top layer of soil to still be moist but beneath it there is a nute lockout of some sort... and it didnt help that it was one of the hottest weeks we have had all year. i didnt feel like i over fed thhem but i will make sure not to do it with the bloom as from here on out all i am using is Earth Juice Bloom, earth juice catylist, and the earth juice hi brix. also adding just a have dosage of calmag. will def just be plain h2o the next couple of waterings however. i also have someeaerth juice rainbow mix with micorizae(hoewever you spell it) & humic acid i was gonna eventually sprinkle ligthly across the top but i dunno about using it now