First Time DIY Bubbleponics. NIrvana Papaya


Active Member
The hydro set up is gone and the dirt is in.

I tried and tried and tried...... I could not keep the water temp below 74-72. I turned my HPS off and cfls on for a couple days and no change. I did rosemans 8 step recovery twice. and the roots would come out the cup in Large Amounts bushy hairy and snow white. hit The water and stop.

So i Transplanted into 10" pots. I did a hydroton bottom layer a 50/50 shultz potting soil and i mixed with shultz perlite. a small layer of hydroton then the 50/50 mix. should be just jacked full of air on those roots.

Here are the plants



New Member
dang...i hope the soil works out for u...sorry 2 hear ya had those problems....i guess u could always give it another go after u finish these...where was that setup in ur closet correct? was the room itself getting to hot? cus iv never really had a problem with res temps...even when i had those problems...ill be checkin back on ya too


Active Member
i woke up this morning to a male i think????
I dont understand how tho.

I didnt change the light period there still on 24/7.
How the hell did this happen?
Is it actually a male??

here are some pics



New Member
I'd say male unfortunately. First pic has balls right were you would expect there to be balls. Males are usually the early tells and show up before the fems by about a week in most cases I've seen. Could be a hermie but it still doesn't belong next to a female. Sorry!


New Member
Some strains just do that. Girls will show up early on those strains too or at least preflower. Can you move that suspected male to a different location and put a reflector with a cfl aimed at it 12/12 just to be sure? Try picking off the nuts and see if they grow back. Also look for hairs on the same plant which would indicate a hermie not that it is any better.


Well-Known Member
all strains will have pre flowers even under 24 hr light if you wait for it. I wont even flower a plant I started from seed till I see the pre flowers.


New Member
Yeah, I recently heard that too. Apperantly, you can teach an old dog new tricks! LOL! Turns out that is one of the indicators or maturity. That and alternating leaves. Mine usually get 12/12 around the end of week 5 or the start of week 6. I have hight limitiation in that spot of the grow room of around 3' and my LSD top out right around that height.


Active Member
Hey guys what does yellowing edges mean??

just have a litlle bit of a yellow perimeter around the edge of the leaves.


Active Member
We have some yellow edges starting to appear on one of the plants.
The topping has worked wonders all of the plants have 6 or 8 main tops.
I have been tying them down so they all get even light.

The one plant i think is deffiently a male the sacks are more even now and larger.

Should i be seeing female preflowers then too?????

There are no signs of male preflowers on any of the other plants so do i assume they are female??

What is the yellow edges saying to me ???
anyone no the answers to these questions since these replies are pretty much my lifeline.

some nice fluffy Canadian chronic.



Well-Known Member
looks like you may be a bit to strong on your ferts as well as over watering. youll want to let the pots dry out completely but not enough to wilt the plants then water


Active Member
The male was removed the pollen sacks were starting to swell up.
Still no sign of preflower except for the one male that showed everything

Might start flowering by day 50
What is the Best Method to Trigger Flowering
12/12 with nut change all at once
or 12/12 and gradual change
ive heard of 24 hrs of dark
any ideas?



New Member
So you had males show in the light. That is a sure sign that the plant is mature and you can flower anytime. I've been going to 12/12 and changing nutes at the same time (coincides with a regular res change). I recently was convined to keep them on grow nutes for the first 2 weeks of flower to help the big leaf drop you get naturally when you go to 12/12 .

I've also done the 24 hours of darkness but I can say that it had any effect. Your call on that one. Can't do any harm, probably doesn't do any good.

Since the male was already showing I don't think the females are far behind. They are usually about a week-10 days behind the males.


Active Member
All of the plants have alternating nodes and that is a sign of maturity.
I want to try to get the most out of this as i can so i am going to veg for 14 more days i think.
Hopefully all the topping and Training helps


New Member
If you have the height then go for it! They may grow 2.5x veg height and a lot of that growth happens over the first 3 week period after you switch to 12/12.


Active Member
2 males
2 Females
The odds won and i have 2 healthy girls
One of both pheno types as well.
The taller plant will grow a new nodular section every two inches give or take and the short plant will have one every half inch.
I will cut clones off both of them this week.

Here are some new pictures they have done well this last week.