First Soil Grow, In My Closet


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I'm on day 17 and I had some issues at first(some of you probably saw my attempt at hydro) I transplanted to soil since the title no longer fitted the thread.

Plant 1

Plant 2, this ones still having issues.

Plant 3

Plant 4

Plant 5(seedlings)

Plant 6


Well-Known Member
Here's day 18 pictures

Plant 1.He had some issues cause I left the exhaust fan off with the HID on.

Plant 2 died and now plant 3 is plant 2

plant 2

Plant 3

Plant 4 day 5

Plant 5 day 4



Well-Known Member
right now every other feeding I use a fertilizer that has 6-12-6 and there is blood meal in the soil. My light source is a 400 watt Metal Halide lamp. I supplement co2 twice daily once right after I turn off the lights and once after I turn them on.


Active Member
only when the lights are on does a plant take in co2. when the lights are off they breath in oxygen and release co2. just like people. that is why you dont run co2 at night. its a waste of co2


Well-Known Member
So you have some sort of soil hydro co-op there?
That is what the pics look like.
I could be wrong.

IF they are in soil they do not need nutes yet just water.
Looks like you might be overwatering a bit.

Good luck
Happy growing


Well-Known Member
ok I supplement CO2 during the day now and I put them in a huge tupperware bucket that I was using as a reservoir. They stay around 75-80 now and they are growing great.

Here is day 20 pics.

Plant 1 died so now plant 3(biggest plant) is plant 1

plant 1

Plant 3 became plant 2

plant 2

Plant 3(day 7)

Plant 4.(day 7)


Well-Known Member
depending on the space your working with..the # of plants and the wattage of your light
Im sending mine at about 1' 1/2 to make them more managable
There gonna grow fast once they get going in veg


Well-Known Member
oh well my biggest one is 6'' and the second one is 4'' I planned on vegging another two weeks and then flowering the biggest, and then a week later the second biggest, I've also still got 3 chrystal and 2 jock horror seeds on the way. that are sprouted.