First post about my first grow

Just any advice that will help

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I tried to find natures care but they didn't have it . so I got eco scraps and I got a roll of mylar and later on today I'm going to move the 2 bad one into it
As far as the other 2. The one that was growing the tallest had a soft stem and it broke so I just buried it more until the stem wasn't kinked and that now it's stiff idk if that's good or bad . So if there's any advice on what would help those plants heal and activate again because they haven't shown any growing in a 2 or 3 days


Well-Known Member
I used promix organic from lowes and it's working great so far. Mixed with mushroom dung and worm castings also bought at lowes. Then vermiculite and perlite from Canadian tire if your in Canada lol


Well-Known Member
As far as the other 2. The one that was growing the tallest had a soft stem and it broke so I just buried it more until the stem wasn't kinked and that now it's stiff idk if that's good or bad . So if there's any advice on what would help those plants heal and activate again because they haven't shown any growing in a 2 or 3 days
Damping off from the soil being too wet it is usually unrecoverable at this stage. You can try hydrogen peroxide 3% on the stem plus the top soil right around the base of the plant then water with 1 times 3% hydrogen peroxide to 4 parts water. I'd expect you will lose them you have to keep it far from that lamp. 1.5 feet is probably a fair distance from a 23w cfl.

At least it was bag seed. I killed a few with damping off at first you're just earning your knowledge right now
Don't get put off by the fact that it's from the makers of MiracleGro. It's legitimately organic, with no time-released nutes. Check my blog.

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Damping off from the soil being too wet it is usually unrecoverable at this stage. You can try hydrogen peroxide 3% on the stem plus the top soil right around the base of the plant then water with 1 times 3% hydrogen peroxide to 4 parts water. I'd expect you will lose them you have to keep it far from that lamp. 1.5 feet is probably a fair distance from a 23w cfl.

At least it was bag seed. I killed a few with damping off at first you're just earning your knowledge right now
It was definitely spur of the moment to decide to do it. just from having the seeds so long so I wasn't prepared at all. But if I could save the 2 from this batch I'd consider it a success so I'm just trying to do what's best for them be for they look like the other 2
But their current situation is damp ,humid but has air moving with 4 cfl bulbs (now a little farther ) in I think 3 gallon pots with drainage holes, in a mix of a eco mix 1 bag and about 3/4 of a bag of black kow. The water I'm using has a drop of SUPERthrive in it ( some kelp vitamin stuff , only thing available when my pants started looking bad so I tried something) and id say it's about 78° or so not sure . if there's something different I should be doing that I can fix with what I have then let me know , thank youu . like you said it's just earning my knowledge at this point
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Well-Known Member
What I did was use solo cups for them after they germinated. It's a smaller pot and helps with over watering. I drilled 5 or 6 small holes in the bottom edge of the cup. when seed was ready to go in soil I took all the soil i needed for my ten cups in a bucket and got it all moist. Not soaked but moist. Filled the cups with the soil and put seeds in about 1/2 inch below surface tap root facing down. Put the cups on my heating pad from the cloner(not necessary but the room I was doing this in was cold) and put cups about 2" away from fluorescent tubes. Then as they sprouted I waited till soil felt dry, you can really tell when it's dry when you pick the cup up and squeeze it gently. Then water until you see it drip out the bottom holes. Then wait till its dry again. Don't be afraid of letting it dry right out. Your plant will droop when it needs more water and a day dry is better than overwatering every time.

I'm a newbie too so I just thought I would share my way with you since it worked great for me. i know it won't help you with your plants now but if you start over with new seeds then it's hopefully useful to you. Any questions just ask and I'll answer as best I can.
What I did was use solo cups for them after they germinated. It's a smaller pot and helps with over watering. I drilled 5 or 6 small holes in the bottom edge of the cup. when seed was ready to go in soil I took all the soil i needed for my ten cups in a bucket and got it all moist. Not soaked but moist. Filled the cups with the soil and put seeds in about 1/2 inch below surface tap root facing down. Put the cups on my heating pad from the cloner(not necessary but the room I was doing this in was cold) and put cups about 2" away from fluorescent tubes. Then as they sprouted I waited till soil felt dry, you can really tell when it's dry when you pick the cup up and squeeze it gently. Then water until you see it drip out the bottom holes. Then wait till its dry again. Don't be afraid of letting it dry right out. Your plant will droop when it needs more water and a day dry is better than overwatering every time.

I'm a newbie too so I just thought I would share my way with you since it worked great for me. i know it won't help you with your plants now but if you start over with new seeds then it's hopefully useful to you. Any questions just ask and I'll answer as best I can.
I'm going to plant a seed either later today or tomorrow when I check on my seeds . So thanks I'll do that


Well-Known Member
Not bad but your seedlings look a little burnt. I'm not so sure but it might be the manure you might want to stick with just the potting soil next time.

Also, satart your seedling in much smaller containers it helps the roots grow nice and healthy and really helps with over watering and speaking of which you could totally use some perlite in that mix. I like to go heavy on the perlite usually 50/50 mix with my soil to provide a lot of drainage for my plant. This means I have to water them more often but I've found fixing an under watering is a hell of a lot easier than fixing over watering.

Also, are you using CFL's? Remember CFL needs to be kept within 1-2 inches of your plant in order to be effective. Small seedlings like yours can thrive for the first part of their life under a single 40 or so watt CFL but as they grow they will need more light.


Well-Known Member
Forget that shit from lowe's or home depot ..... Source an actual nursery that will a much better choice of soil choices. Your medium mix is too hot for that seedling.

A " starter " mix for seedlings is a much better approach , you NEED a highly aerated mix that allows the new taproot EASY movement ( without compaction ) . Cow manure and other amendments are not necessary right now.

Just let your seedlings get her legs ... Even a simple misting of water is enough for right now. Stressing your newborn seeling can kill it , stunt it , burn it and even overwatering can cause a damp off condition where the fragile taproot shrivels away.

That miracle grow shit has time released fertilizers that feed at EVERY WATERING.
Way too much for a seedling.

Forget that shit from lowe's or home depot ..... Source an actual nursery that will a much better choice of soil choices. Your medium mix is too hot for that seedling.

A " starter " mix for seedlings is a much better approach , you NEED a highly aerated mix that allows the new taproot EASY movement ( without compaction ) . Cow manure and other amendments are not necessary right now.

Just let your seedlings get her legs ... Even a simple misting of water is enough for right now. Stressing your newborn seeling can kill it , stunt it , burn it and even overwatering can cause a damp off condition where the fragile taproot shrivels away.

That miracle grow shit has time released fertilizers that feed at EVERY WATERING.
Way too much for a seedling.

Nowhere near me sells it I said I looked everywhere and I didn't feel like ordering it online at the time because it was faster to drive somewhere . So with Lowe's and Wal-Mart and other places like that being all I could go to I just got the only organic potting soil they had . and thinking it was bad I figured it needed something so I added the compost. So now I'm just going to use straight potting soil (eco scraps )and ro water until it looks like it needs something then I'll add some of the super thrive nutrient


Well-Known Member
I was in the same boat. I'm in Canada and no where near me sells those brands. So I got the Promix from lowes, just like your soil it didn't have much aeration so I bought perlite and vermiculite from Canadian tire.


Well-Known Member
And what's the peroxide dilution for?
I think I might have assumed wrongly you have damping off you can google that to see what it is. Hydrogen Peroxide is frowned upon but it has it's place. It is if you have damping off and root rot and the plant collapses as a last ditch effort you can try that and if you catch it fast enough it works. Hydrogen Peroxide bubbles out in about 24 hours and it will vaporize your smallest sections of root at the concentration I listed and it will also sterilize your soil completely. So only if the plant falls down from damping off and root rot would you use this. Normally I would say you need to add back beneficial bacteria if you see a positive response but this is an experiment plant anyway. If your plant is just falling over from stretch you can replant it deeper and get her better lighting.
I was in the same boat. I'm in Canada and no where near me sells those brands. So I got the Promix from lowes, just like your soil it didn't have much aeration so I bought perlite and vermiculite from Canadian tire.
The only perlite I can find is a miracle grow one that people say I shouldnt use


Well-Known Member
Nowhere near me sells it I said I looked everywhere and I didn't feel like ordering it online at the time because it was faster to drive somewhere . So with Lowe's and Wal-Mart and other places like that being all I could go to I just got the only organic potting soil they had . and thinking it was bad I figured it needed something so I added the compost. So now I'm just going to use straight potting soil (eco scraps )and ro water until it looks like it needs something then I'll add some of the super thrive nutrient
Want fast organics if in america? Source stores and Craigslist is your friend :) Can't imagine a single garden center not having everything you could possibly need....nurseries are good too....huge farm&garden stores sell everything too....depends on how much you want of course, but dump trucks of peat are only a few hundred bucks and most people will have a lifetimes worth at that amount, or every few weeks, all depends on your circumstances


Well-Known Member
The only perlite I can find is a miracle grow one that people say I shouldnt use
That's fine to use the MG perlite. It's just for aeration. I believe they sell enriched perlite but it has such a low value NPK it doesn't really hurt. That's what I used and it worked for me.