-- First party cup grow -- + pictures/specs.


1 Mid-grade bagseed. 1 Lemon Kush.

Grow space: A simple 2.5ft x 2ft cardboard box which will soon be lined with mylar.

Lights: 4 x 26wt 6500k CLF'S [18/6]. Lights are currently 3 inches away from foliage. I will be adding one or two more on each side and switching to 2700k's around flowering time.

Soil: A mix of 50% Miracle Grow sphagnum peat moss, 40% MG perlite and 10% MG Organic Blood Meal.

Temp: 77 with lights on, 60 with lights off.

Humidity: 70 with lights on, 60 with lights off.

Soil PH: 6.0-6.3ish

Watering: Currently watering about once every 3 days. I will be purchasing a water gauge.

Fan: Small desk fan is on when the lights are on only, otherwise it gets below 60 degrees. Being that it is a small space, the door is open and the fan is blowing in from outside the box.

Seeds were germinated in paper towels, then planted in jiffy peat pellets. I kept them in the pellets for two days, after sprouting.

The seeds were then transfered into the party cups containing the soil mix mentioned above.

My concerns:
1. Too low of a temp when lights are off.
2. The soil mix seemed to make them curl a bit, im guessing the blood meal was too much [no going back now]. Though they are both producing new leaves daily.
3. Node spacing is very tiny on the bagseed and longer on the LKush. Making light distance a pain. [not really a concern]

Having failed in the past i am pretty determined to make this one work.

Sorry about the bad picture quality. Macbook cameras are not the best. The pictures are from day 10 [today] in the party cups.

Any thoughts/comments/concerns/criticisms would be fantastic.




Well-Known Member
"My concerns:
1. Too low of a temp when lights are off."

Don't worry to much about the temp when the lights are off, unless you are getting really cold. 30-40 degrees. :weed:
give them LOTS of LIGHT dude and you will be fine I will be upload some pic of my two that I got going on now in my Aerogarden these two fuckers are smelling right. They a are doing really good with the CFL lights I recommend at least for to five CFL bulbs for veg and flower