First journal, second grow.... northern lights and sour cream


Active Member
ok so i was board a couple weeks back and going though my shed found all the bits for a decent grow box so i went for it and built a 1'x1.5'x2' grow box, with 8x20w cfls and 2x40cfm fans on exasht dutie....SP_A0060.jpgSP_A0062.jpgSP_A0061.jpgSP_A0064.jpgSP_A0063.jpgSP_A0059.jpgSP_A0065.jpg


Active Member
ok so most of these are 2 weeks, the lil one is 4 days due to a small issue with over watering, so these are navana northern lights except my ufo free be in the back right or 3rd photo were its just been foliar feed.
this will be an all soil grow useing tui potting mix and compost tea as i can be arsed feeding them.
will also note they already smell sweet like a good plant and have had to add carbon cloth to fans and the pasive intake
so all questions and coments are welcome just rember two things A. all i brought was carbon cloth and fans B. i cant spell for shit so sorry in advance if this is hard to read


Active Member
ok so had a bit of snow f@#k up that plan came home and the kettle was frozzen but my plants were at 65 with the lights about to come on so im happy i insulated my box, going to get batteries for camera now i can get into town... so photos to night


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so was reading the cfls growers guides and the one inch rule is shit. burnt the tips of my leaves and dryed them out a lot . think im going to get a ultarsonic fogger to up my hymidity to it real dry in there despite it drying a party cup of water a day...


Active Member
ok so quick explenation time, the dark green plant is my largest and best of the northern lights, ive heard the theory that femmals get uneven node spaceing so im hopeful its me lovely ladie not a man..... anyway the lil one just been fimmed and as for the sour cream she smellreal strong which is to much for the filters which were set up for more mild plants in mind, so i add a odder neutariser not realy working but better than nothing


Active Member
mother fuck at least 2 of my nl are male, both of which are my best plants.... leaves one nl which is not great from getting to close to lights