First Journal and First Grow


Active Member
The autos did better outside, but their potency and yield just weren't their. They did finish earlier than the others though so that was kinda nice. Hell yea sounds legit. I haven't tried 12/12 from seed yet. What are you thinking you'll yield off of your CFL girls?


Active Member
The autos did better outside, but their potency and yield just weren't their. They did finish earlier than the others though so that was kinda nice. Hell yea sounds legit. I haven't tried 12/12 from seed yet. What are you thinking you'll yield off of your CFL girls?
yeah the 12/12 from see is some to for sure consider for future grows this guy dell is getting atleast 2 ounces dry from each plant. its a really impressive thread, here it is

i honestly have no idea what i am going to yield from my plant. people are telling that around 2ozs but i am thinking that i will get 1oz and i will be extremely happy if i got 1.5 ozs, what do you think i will yield?


Active Member
Oo cool. I'll check it out. I'd say between 1.5-2 ounces is extremely possible, but I don't have much experience with CFL's so I'm not sure how dense the buds will get.


Active Member
as of right now my nugs are pretty dense, hopefully the went get all airy within these next couple of weeks.


Active Member
hahah i just looked at a calender and i am barley going into my 5th week not my 6th week, i got a little ahead of myself hahah, i just dont know why my nugs arent filling up with crystals, do you know if there is anything i can do to increase the crystals?


Active Member
yeah u definately jumped the gun lol dont say 6 weeks yetlol . cus you will see a pretty big explode in growth the last two weeks of their life so be ready for that! been feeding sugar and such? doing good job for you first grow man :)


Active Member
yeah u definately jumped the gun lol dont say 6 weeks yetlol . cus you will see a pretty big explode in growth the last two weeks of their life so be ready for that! been feeding sugar and such? doing good job for you first grow man :)
yeah man i have been feeding it bud candy and i have heard that is like adding molasses but it is better because it has more than just sugars. but i am not positive, right now i have been away from my plant for 4 days, i came back home to visit and my roommate is taking care of my baby. i bet there is going to be such a huge change when i get back tomorrow =)
and thanks for the compliment very much appreciated.