First Harvest - How'd I do?


Well-Known Member
First grow guys, been through a lot and the final stage is here. Whatcha think? bongsmilie

Just finished picking and jarring the rest of the bud. Dried it for 6 days and it seemed like it was ready. :mrgreen:

Any comments or input / estimate on weight is appreciated :eyesmoke::peace:


Active Member
wow..looks nice dude...great job on your first grow and I hope mine turns out like that! I'm guessing 1 oz or so.


Well-Known Member
1st grow, 1st seed, first female....first harvest...

In just a few hours its fluffed up a little. had to get an extra jar :D

Maybe 3 oz? bongsmilie


Active Member
That's awesome for one plant I think. How exactly do you cure it? Can you just use mason jars like that? Do they have to stay in the light, the dark, or it doesn't matter? Open them a couple times of day? And for how long must one cure it...


Well-Known Member
That's awesome for one plant I think. How exactly do you cure it? Can you just use mason jars like that? Do they have to stay in the light, the dark, or it doesn't matter? Open them a couple times of day? And for how long must one cure it...
the curing process is just redistribution of moisture from the inside of the bud back to the outsides. drying the buds help get rid of the chlorophyll and metals that make smoke harsh.

Mason Jars from what I hear are the best. I picked up 12 of them for 11$ at True Value hardware store. They are air tight and good for storing. When curing your buds you want to keep them in a dark / cool area. I keep them in my closet under a sleeping bag. Whatever works. I open them anywhere from 2-5 times a day and move them around. Usually ends up being once every three hours for a few minutes. This gives the bud fresh air and helps prevent mold. If you dry your buds for at least 6-7 days, they should be dry enough to start curing.

Curing can take a long time, but you can smoke them whenever you feel they are ready. I'm going with at least two weeks before I consider them "prime". This is my first grow / dry / cure harvest so I'm just going a long with what i've learned. It seems to be working :weed:


Well-Known Member
Think you've done an amazing job there mate. My first grow turned out to be male and i was gutted. I think you got between 2-3 ounce also. Hope my next grow ends up like yours


Well-Known Member
official dry weight: 65 grams :D

I hope when it is done curing the buds will weigh a little more. 3 days into the process.

i didn't even have time to guess the weight!!! i was going to say 2 zones. or around 2.2 shit lol. got some close ups of the nuggits? they look pretty dank!:-P:clap: good job man! plus rep for you!


Well-Known Member
i didn't even have time to guess the weight!!! i was going to say 2 zones. or around 2.2 shit lol. got some close ups of the nuggits? they look pretty dank!:razz::clap: good job man! plus rep for you!

yeah man let me try and get a pic for ya :D


Well-Known Member
Nice job. mine is in the same process and time as yours. I plant, day 3 curing. about the same yeild. Check it out. Even my buds look close. Wha strain is yours?



Well-Known Member
Nice job. mine is in the same process and time as yours. I plant, day 3 curing. about the same yeild. Check it out. Even my buds look close. Wha strain is yours?

I dont know the strain for sure because it was a bagseed. I DO know the bagseed was a good strain. The bud grew like a sativa and is cerebral high but is sweet and fruity also like indica :D

nice haul you got there from 1 plant, did you weigh ?