first grow, when should i see some "life"?


Active Member
Hi i was wondering,
i potted my seeds yesterday (which were germinated during 24hrs and did show small white tips), how long should it take before the wee ones are gonna pop up from the ground?

they're about an inch deep (1 phalanx deep) and there are 3 lamps at about 3" above the soil heating & lighting them.

they're on a 18/6 cycle.

you can find pics in my journal

Mr. Pacific

Well-Known Member
If the tap root as already come out of the seeds, and you put the seed in the soil the right way, you should see them poking through within a day or two. If not, I'd VERY GINGERLY probe through the top soil where you put your seed, and try to help it through the soil. If the seed was put in the wrong way the seedling will sometimes grow, but the wrong direction in the soil. Just poke it through the top and leave it be(even if it is laying on the soil, it will quickly jump up towards the light).


Active Member
one of the 3 seeds i planted sprouted today

i gave it a little water again just now :)
the adventure begins! :p