First Grow: Sour Alien Clone - Leaf Tip Yellowing


Well-Known Member
hai gaiz!

this is sour alien and is going to be a complete outdoor grow... it's a clone that a friend gave me two weeks ago. it came in a small rock wool cube and i planted it in some old abandoned potting soil (w/the rock wool cube still attached... roots sticking out, of course) that had been sitting in my backyard for about 2 years. it's definitely growing even though the weather in my part of southern california has been some what shitty.

last week, one leaf (2nd photo) out of no where started yellowing on the tips and now the whole leaf is yellowing very slowly & appears to be on it's way to death. at first i figured it was no biggie since it was just one leaf but now as of today this evening, the tips on the newer set of leaves on top (1st photo) are starting to yellow up and i'm getting quite anxious over this because it's only going to be a matter of time before this yellowing takes over.

i've done a bit of research on the matter and have come to the following conclusions:

  • soil is acidic

  • soil is lacking proper N-P-K ratio

  • under-watering
tomorrow i'm going to buy a pH testing kit to test this cheap soil of it's acidity level and if that's not the problem, then i'm sure it's the nutritional value of the soil and will likely go out and buy a bag of premium potting soil such as fox farm for an emergency transplant... i originally was going to wait until early signs of flowering started before i upgraded the soil but if this yellowing keeps taking over then i'll never even make it to flowering!

though i may have answered my own question -- i'm curious to hearing the opinions of others on this petty matter... since this is my first grow i'm somewhat anxious on not killing my baby... it's more of a sentimental feeling... heh.

i appreciate those who have taken the time to read this and appreciate it even more taking the time to throw your 2¢ in.



Well-Known Member
First acidic soil means your ph is too low, which is bad. You want your soils ph at around 6.5, when its low your going to get nute lockout. how are you testing your soils ph?


Well-Known Member
I gotta go to bed but ill catch up on this thread tomorrow and hopefully be able to help you out a little more


Well-Known Member
First acidic soil means your ph is too low
thank you for clearing this up!

how are you testing your soils ph?
i will be buying a pH strip kit tomorrow but may just go ahead and buy myself a digital pH testing meter.

have you fed it yet
not yet... i've only been watering with tap water and was waiting until flowering begins...

I gotta go to bed but ill catch up on this thread tomorrow and hopefully be able to help you out a little more


Active Member
Hmm id say maybe nute lockout ? You said you used some abandoned soil maybe it was a hot mix of miracle grow or someother brand with strong nutes or time release nutrients. The catalyst for that yellowing and nutrient shock is defanitly gonna be your tap water though try to pick up some distilled bro only a couple bucks a gallon :)