First Grow Skunk #1 54w x 8 t5's

Lady Ash

Active Member
hey good job on the baffler there, does it work well? and how much is a bought one as far as saving money goes?
:leaf:Thanks, the cheapest one I've found was $75, so $20 savings not including shipping. It was a pain on a couple parts but overall is a very simple design. :leaf:

Lady Ash

Active Member
:leaf:So we installed the air duct silencer last night, it didn't dampen anything, a waste of time and money. I got some pics of it, will download and upload when I get back from somewhere. :leaf:

Al Dente

If the noise is from vibration a muffler wouldn't help much. You'd have to mechanically isolate the fan ftom ducting or other solid structures using silicone gel or something like that.

Lady Ash

Active Member
Fuck...all that for nothing!!!
:leaf:Yea dude, a wasted $50 or so and wasted time! My significant other is waaay more pissed at it than I, he had to crawl in between the tent and the wall because we couldn't move it, to put the shelf up to hold it in place. It was a huge pain of a project. :leaf:

Lady Ash

Active Member
If the noise is from vibration a muffler wouldn't help much. You'd have to mechanically isolate the fan ftom ducting or other solid structures using silicone gel or something like that.
:leaf:I don't mind if inside the house you can hear it,my concern is the air going out the window making a woooshing sound that you could hear from halfway around the front of the house, (grow room is on the backside of the house). :leaf:


Active Member
:leaf:Yea dude, a wasted $50 or so and wasted time! My significant other is waaay more pissed at it than I, he had to crawl in between the tent and the wall because we couldn't move it, to put the shelf up to hold it in place. It was a huge pain of a project. :leaf:
I feel your pain...hang in there:hug:


Well-Known Member
And here i was getting all geared up to make one if this worked.....BUMMER!!!!!
thats what i was refering to when i said it would shorten the learning curve
sorry lady ash :(


Well-Known Member
:leaf:I don't mind if inside the house you can hear it,my concern is the air going out the window making a woooshing sound that you could hear from halfway around the front of the house, (grow room is on the backside of the house). :leaf:
I suppose if you are in a suburban environment then the ambient noise really does block it out, if you are in a quiet town then perhaps different, if you can hear it from the distance a neighbour would then it may be a concern, but be realistic, you know what you are looking for so maybe ask someone who is less familiar you can trust to do the hearing check, you may just find you were victim to the age old paranoia tokers suffer from on occasion.

Lady Ash

Active Member
I suppose if you are in a suburban environment then the ambient noise really does block it out, if you are in a quiet town then perhaps different, if you can hear it from the distance a neighbour would then it may be a concern, but be realistic, you know what you are looking for so maybe ask someone who is less familiar you can trust to do the hearing check, you may just find you were victim to the age old paranoia tokers suffer from on occasion.
:leaf:Yea you can only hear from our property. I had a friend go out and listen and she said it wasn't bad at all. Very well could be that I am over paranoid...:leaf:

Lady Ash

Active Member
:leaf:So the girls are getting tall fast! I think I'm going to prune them today, cut some off the top to create lower growth right? :leaf:


Active Member
:leaf:So the girls are getting tall fast! I think I'm going to prune them today, cut some off the top to create lower growth right? :leaf:
It will promote growth every were.
Cut the bottom ones off if you can and any that are blocking the light to bud.
You can just cut them in half to rather then de leafing,you do have to be carefull in flower so watch how many you chop.
I would go with just the ones stopping the light to the buds,cut them in half if you can or fold them some were they dont block the light.

Al Dente

Somewhere I was reading it would better to supercrop than top once you are into flowering. Less stress on the plant. Haven't tested this myself. I topped all mine a week or so before I flipped them.

Lady Ash

Active Member
:leaf:Since they are getting so tall I figured I'd top em to slow the upwards growth, but I'm thinking it's too late for that right? They've been growing nearly an inch a day! I'm just worried that I won't have enough room height wise in the end! :leaf:


Well-Known Member
tie their limbs down, i tied mine into 2nd week of flower with no problem. i even broke a big top unintintional of course, but it had proly 1/2 the limb still attached. it just kept going like nothing happened. these plants are more resiliant than most give credit. jmo

Lady Ash

Active Member
:leaf:I thought about tying them down, it's just they're getting leggy looking, majority of them are one single main stem going up, but a couple are like bushes with 3-4. I'm worried about having enough room for all 15 of them, and if I tie the main stem down it'll take up more room width wise that I don't think I have. Thinking about going with clay pellets next time instead of dirt and setting up a drip line for watering. :leaf:

Al Dente

I'm pretty much in the same situation. My first grow and had no idea how big they'd get, and didn't really expect so many to germinate and survive. Of course topping made them bushier. On 5th week 12/12 and the tallest is 24". The vertical growth slowed down quite a bit after about 15 days since the flip.
If you have the vertical space you should be ok. Maybe add a couple of CFLs down low if they get really tall.

Just curious, why are you going drip?