first grow remodling


Active Member
ok so i took down my homeless house flowering are and bought a saw and got some scrap wood and the mylar i bought and went to town i stapled the mylar down with pieces of plastic i cut from a juice container [=] looks kinda like that if u can see lil pink things around thats what those are. 2 walls arnt connected exept for the top so they can flip up the front and the left side thers about 3 feet of space left on left side maybe another veg room someday



Active Member
this is the fert im using in flowering room and these are my pesticides
i keep them in the refridgerater and they stay in a dormant state they wake up in about 45 seconds of being outside of fridge o and i took that hydro thing i made and i put foil over the gaps and poked some cuttings thru tell me what u think of my fert choice and pest choice i got ladybugs for small spider mite problem



Active Member
i added a big fan to keep down the mold or mildew or whatever that white stuff on my leaves was put tape around the hydro thing i made so it would be dark since i put some of the cuttings and 2 new cuttings in it also i went outside to check on my faverite outside plant and it was knocked over >< so i put her in the hydro thing too i hope she doesnt die her roots are so small now like the size of a quarter i was so pissed i moved her around all day for the best sun spots ><



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went to a friends house the and took pictures of his stuff his is all covered in mites he has cats they just keep bringing them in hes gunna try ladybugs like me but he has a much bigger problem than me he probly has 6 time the mites i had at my hi point



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i think my mom finally filld her new pot cus the pot cus shes expoading on her top so much lush growth i want to take more cutting off it but im thinking i can leave it for a while and she will grow like a foot when it all fills out since a lot of the upper leaves are young and undeveloped if they grow shed have to get taller + it will give me more cloning spots i think she grew from 20 inches yesterday to 21 today i thought she had reached max hight a while ago since it was about the hight of my friends ( same strain) i guess a week will tell whats gunna happen



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ya she has a fucked up fan leaf where i tried to super crop her a long time ago (first time id tried on a real plant practiced on weeds but not weed) and i think i killd all the mites on her by hand i flip over leaves and smash them in a chair i sit by her


Active Member
but other than that shes great o and those are 3 of her clones next to her the fourth is a mother i put into flowering befor taking like 5 clones i really wanted more in flowering room besides i think the kush willl be better than a seed i got out of a 8th anyway


Active Member
im back started 1 dp blueberry other one didnt pop sigh cant get more hope its female thing it will be and 5 bag seeds ill post some pics soon one is on my other name couldnt figure out this ones pass name is greenerpastures81