First grow journal - AK48


Hello all! I'm going to be doing three AK-48's from Nirvana under a 250W MH/HPS conversion setup. All three are feminized seeds so I'll be starting from mothers. I just got them today and put three seeds into starter plugs so lets get growing some :leaf:


Active Member
nice man, will be the first to say good luck with the grow, and have u tried ak47? if yes, which do u think is better ak47 or ak48?

Also what is ur set up, pics?


I've smoked, but not grown AK-47. Good stuff, I really liked it! :D Not the same breeder or genetics as 48 though from what I understand. Never smoked or grown AK-48 either, back in the day my project was Chrystal, Jock Horror, ICE, and Matanuska Tundra.

Well I had pics up on a seperate thread but had a little scare with the police a number of days ago (dispute with the neighbors) and got a bit spooked since my pics on here were geo-tagged and I hadn't realized it, but I'll go head and take a pic and attach it here with my setup since everything was resolved and I turned off geo-tagging on my smartphone.

BUT pretty simply I have a 2'x3'x7' grow tent I made out of PVC and mylar with a 250W MH/HPS, sterilite bins (doing a DWC setup) and all the constituent parts. I haven't hung the mylar yet but once my ladies sprout and are ready to go into their bubble buckets I will. :D



UPDATE: All 3 seeds popped and sprouted, and are currently under a 24" flourescent cabinet light. I'm stoked :D


Thank you sir :D now its time to get them vegging and on their way to growing into lovely ladies :D

BTW I've read a lot on AK-48 and I've heard mixed things on it. Some good, some bad (some say its not potent, others say its very dank; heard it can grow very airy buds, or be very dense and nuggety) Anyone out there got any reliable knowledge on how it smokes, tastes, smells, or what kinda phenos I may run into?


So, they germed a few days ago and are now under a basic cabinet light to pre-veg. After a couple weeks they'll get stuck under MH for another 2-4 weeks to finish vegging and to transition them to flower.



UPDATE: I gave my mother in law my 250W HPS/MH to put her plants (outdoor flowers and stuff) inside the corner of her garage. MEANING I'ma upgrade to a 400 or 600W setup hehehe :D

Can anyone give me a review on HTG Supply's setups? They seem cost effective but I'm just a little nervous of getting a cheap light, y'know?


Active Member
Sup man IMO the best option to go with is a 400 or 600 watt if u got the extra cash and get the digital ballast set up.


I went with a 400. 600 would be hitting the point of diminishing return plus i need that spare 60 bucks for food. lol


SO: Heres a couple new pics I took today!

The two on the left and one on the right are my AK-48, the two that are germinating in the white cut-off cups are Sour Diesel X L.A. Confidential that I got from a buddy of mine. Lets see how they come out eh? He had an L.A. Confidential go male on him so now I have an assortment of seeds from it. Bubba Kush X L.A. Con, Sweet Tooth X L.A. Con, White Rhino X L.A. Con, and Super Silver Haze X L.A. Con

:D :D :D :D :D


PICS: Yes, I'm still using my fluoro ATM, I haven't had time to set up the new 400W system. Come to think of it, I'm pretty damn lazy a lot huh? Screwit.. I'ma go take a couple norcos and a kolonopin, and pass out. Peace :D



New Member
Looking nice, Do you think this would grow under a 150w CFL light? I want to grow 2 or 3 Ak-48 strains,

And what are those brown things you are growing it in?


You could grow all this under a 150w CFL til it was ready to flower. For flower I'd suggest MINIMUM 400W high pressure sodium. (Which is what I have on hand spare)