First Grow: Jet 47 - PC Grow Box


Well-Known Member
looking good man! cant wait to see it finished! i have know clue what the problems with the leaves would be, have you backed off the nutes at all to see if it changes?
I just stopped giving it nutes and gave her strait water yesterday and will continue to only give water since its so close to being cut. And the leaves did that before I ever gave them nutes and they continued to while on them.


Well-Known Member
Theres a lot more orange hairs since 2 days ago lol. Im only giving it filtered water now with nothing added since I plan on cutting it around the 25th
What do you guys think the weight is going to be?? Im guessing about 20 grams dry and I have no clue for the wet weight lol.

Day 44:



Well-Known Member
lookin good dude. youll prolly end up with around a half dry. she still has at least 2 more weeks. you will be surprised at how much plants fatten up int he last two weeks of flower.


Well-Known Member
The buds have been fattening up and the leaves are starting to yellow since I took it off the nutes.
Any clues on how long until I should harvest?

Day 49:

closeup v2.jpgside nug.jpgcloseup.jpgweird lighting.jpgmini nug.jpgbeauty.jpg


Well-Known Member
hold out a week give her some molasses and plain water during flush. Help to give it carbs. While flushing and gives it a sweeter taste. I've done it so it works. She is looking real good

Peace homie


Well-Known Member
man its gunna be close just keep posting pics and we can help ya out there. do you have a scope to check your trichs? yous till have alot of white hairs so its got some time


Well-Known Member
I have an 8x lens that works kind of well. Its good enough to see that the trichs are pretty much all clear, a few milky and pretty much no amber.


Well-Known Member
sounds about right. you will ususally start to see amber when 80ish percent of the hairs have turned orange. just be patient and itll reward you


Well-Known Member
Sooo much more yellowing lol. I guess this plant really needed the nutes haha.

Day 51:

top.jpgcola.jpgtwins.jpgagain.jpgsnowing.jpgback view.jpghidious leaves.jpgpurple orange green yellow.jpgmini me.jpgyum.jpgmini frost.jpg


awesome stuff man, drop by the advantages and disadvantages of CFLs sticky in the CFL section, posted my grow, im itching for peoples opinion, this is my first time on any site like this and i chose this one because i felt most at home here :-)


Well-Known Member
Lol I couldnt wait, Took a sample, very small nug, just enough for a bowl hit to test it.

cut front.jpgcut.jpgweight.jpgsubtract the leaves.jpg


Well-Known Member
LOL I put that sample through my grinder and let it dry over night, came out to be like .15grams but for that much I am really high.

And yeah Crazy Im planning on cutting her down tuesday. :)


Well-Known Member
Yeah ive been giving her strait water since around day 44.
Took another one of the small buds off, weighed .7 wet. Wont get to see the dry weight before its smoked lol.
Damn im impatient.


Well-Known Member
knock it off maaaaan haha. hang on for another week. let it dry for 5-7 days then cure it for 3 weeks then have at it. i always smoke a test bowl when its done drying though lol