First grow - Indoor - I don't smoke but we'll see...


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, I bought a bunch of seeds last year to grow for my mother in law who had cancer. Sadly, she past away shortly thereafter. I stashed the seeds in the closet thinking they would stay there forever.

But my friend recently started smoking the bud and really loves it a couple times a week after work to relieve stress. Soooo - i decided... why not grow my seeds???

Thanks in advance for the info on here, I planted 6 seeds with the hopes to end up with 2-3 females in the end. That was 7 days ago. Five germinated and are now happily growing in peat cups filled with Jiffy Mix. Two are top-44 and the other three are unknown.

Attached is a pic of day 5 of one of the top-44 seedlings. I will give more info in future days ;-)



Well-Known Member
first question:

attached is a diagram of my seedling setup (no pic because i can't get the camera in from the side view)

There are 5 little pots in a tupperware with water in the bottom and covered with a loose saran wrap. above are 2 CFL's on a split socket so they hang diagonally over the seedlings. As you can see, the middle plant is growing UP and the side ones are not as tall but still slanted....

Should I do anything about this, or if i wait until they are more grown and add two more lights will they even out?



Well-Known Member
the closer the light is the less they stretch to reach the light which is why those are growing like that, wait till they get a lil bigger then add two more and even it out

good luck and welcome to riu bro

id like to see if that top 44 really finishes in 44 days lol


Well-Known Member
thank you sir,

i want these plants to stay low and bushy. I heard when you transplant tall seedlings you can plant them deeper so their stems get covered up, maybe i'll do that.

I wonder if the top-44 WILL be done in 44 days, i am going to veg and flower it normally with the rest, so i hope that won't stress it out if it DOES want to finish in 44 days.

PS - when should i add the 2 more lights to these guys?


Well-Known Member
when ever you want, the closer the light is, the shorter the nodes will be from eachother, the bushier the plant will get, look up lst, toppin and fimming, other ways to keep plants short and bushy

they look nice and happy right now, im sure another couple lights wouldnt hurt, just be careful with your distance, you want them as close as possible, but no so close that it will fry them (which is hard to do with cfls)

also you can bury your stems but sometimes it will cause stem rot if you over water it but i think there small enough for it not to matter

get a fan blowing on them ever so slightly so they are barely swaying, it will help thicken the stems up


Well-Known Member
lmao its all good man always trying to help out where its needed, plus its anywhere from 10 at night to 2 in the morning in the states so not that many people are on

so welcome to riu and the best of luck with your grow!

if you have any more questions post them in noob section or plant problems im sure there will be ton of people willing to help you out


Well-Known Member
noooo its like WHEN it was first day of junior high. least favorite day of my life. lockers, class periods, heavy backpacks... i'm all grown up now :D

posting progress pics of plants in a bit btw.


Active Member
the lamps were slanted, therefore u had a high point in the middle ;) lol... i know u figured that out already sorry. :P


Well-Known Member
i am planting the seedlings into pots today and adding 2 more lights - but i have some questions. I have vermiculite, soilless jiffy mix (peat moss) and miracle grow potting soil (moisture control).

What ratio should these be in? 1-1-1?


Well-Known Member
thanks - i kinda made a half ass mixture - because i wanted to transplant before the lights turned on

transplanting in dim/darkness is hard btw....

i did 5-miracle gro soil - 2 jiffy mix - 3 vermiculite... i hope that is ok... i have to go away for the weekend starting tomorrow so i needed to put them in pots asap tonight :-(


Well-Known Member
your mix is probably fine. i dont know the size of your pots anyways but as long as you have soil everything else should just be a bonus, not necessarily essential


Well-Known Member
i am just realizing that growing sounds easy but is a lot harder once you get into it... my box is getting pretty hot - 88 degrees average.

I have 4 CFLs right now - was planning to end up with 6.

I have 2 computer fans built into the top of the box blowing air out and 2 vent holes at the bottom sucking air in. The box is in the pantry which was the coolest spot in the apartment until this whole project went down. Now the room is warm and i have to leave the door open for circulation.

any tips on cooling further or should i live with it?