first grow ever! bagseed :0


Well-Known Member
looking good man, was wondering about drainage?
all i did was used like a 3/8 or so drill bit and drilled the fuck outta every pail on the bottom, then i ran to meijer and in the floral section "where da boquets and shit are" they have these transparent plastic trays for potted plants, they fit extremely nicely under the 5 gallon bucket, buck or 2 each, not a bad investment unless you like mold. they are cool too cuz they arent completely flat , they have grooves and shit in em so when the bucket sits on them water has areas to escape and not just pool under the bucket


Well-Known Member
few questions for you all..... if anyone has knowledge of scrog grows and their yields i would like to know (compared to regular grows) , also it is gettin mighty chilly outside and the room sometimes gets a bit cool, i have the buckets sitting right on the wood floor in that room, should i maybe put down some type of insulated mat underneat or should i not worry too awful much bout that. im sure all of you know what the bottom of a five gallon bucket looks like so yea, the rim around the outside bottom of the buckets elevate the bucket so the whole bottom surface area is not touching the floor ya know, only by half a centimeter or so. so, should i lay down some insulation mat of some sort or am i just a worry wart ?


Well-Known Member
Hi dude, Nice reflector man, its simerler to the one I use :) I use. I highly doubt you'll have a problem with plants fighting for light when you have a nice bright powerful 600 in there :) Nice tidy setup you have there too, Also SCROG is a great method to train your ladies low profile and it also allows maximum light coverage and even light coverage which in turn rewards you with nice big buds and lots of them... More so than if you just let them grow vertical like nature intended :) I put a couple of Bar Heaters in my grow space connected to a thermostat so when the temp dips below say....24oC then the heating comes on and brings the ambient temp back up to 26oC Perfect and the thermostat is fully adjustable so you can modify the settings to perfectly control your rooms climate, (The Thermostat also has a socket for cooling so you can bring in more cold air should you need it in the event that your room becomes too hot...So look out for a stat. They are brilliant :) also if you use erm a milk crate etc you can elivate your pots and reduce the coolness the ground transfers to the pots....Hope that help man - STELTHY :leaf:


Active Member
few questions for you all..... if anyone has knowledge of scrog grows and their yields i would like to know (compared to regular grows) , also it is gettin mighty chilly outside and the room sometimes gets a bit cool, i have the buckets sitting right on the wood floor in that room, should i maybe put down some type of insulated mat underneat or should i not worry too awful much bout that. im sure all of you know what the bottom of a five gallon bucket looks like so yea, the rim around the outside bottom of the buckets elevate the bucket so the whole bottom surface area is not touching the floor ya know, only by half a centimeter or so. so, should i lay down some insulation mat of some sort or am i just a worry wart ?
Yea scrog can really maxamize yields. But its very tedious. you have to be on top of trimming your plants training them keeping all of the budsites in the light. You have to be on top of that everyday. But I know a girl on youtube named punkoska420 who got 1/4LB from 1 plant with a 400w light!! I watched her do it so i know first hand its possible. but having multiple plants that your scrogging you really want to make sure your plants stay small and maintainable..


Active Member
few questions for you all..... if anyone has knowledge of scrog grows and their yields i would like to know (compared to regular grows) , also it is gettin mighty chilly outside and the room sometimes gets a bit cool, i have the buckets sitting right on the wood floor in that room, should i maybe put down some type of insulated mat underneat or should i not worry too awful much bout that. im sure all of you know what the bottom of a five gallon bucket looks like so yea, the rim around the outside bottom of the buckets elevate the bucket so the whole bottom surface area is not touching the floor ya know, only by half a centimeter or so. so, should i lay down some insulation mat of some sort or am i just a worry wart ?
Scrog method will definitely increase yield from everything I've read and seen so far. ^^^ Like guerilla said it's high maintenance but there are some cool vids on Youtube.

I'd definitely put something between the cold floor and the buckets. I picked up some cheap end tables off a local listing (similar to craigs list) for $5 each and have my pots sitting on them up off the floor because I'm the same situation, it's well below freezing here and I have a hell of a time keeping that room above 70F. =)


Well-Known Member
almost cooked my babies. i just switched from 24 hour light to 20 on - 4 off and forgot to turn my fan back on, lucky i woke up and turned the fucker on lol, better hook it up to the timer as well. . . . .


Active Member
Isn't it crazy how they are like having pets or...children? LOL! Totally though I'm always stressing on them. Yesterday I did some LST (low-stress training) on all of them and for a first timer it should be called HST! (high-stress training) broke 2 branches, not off just kinda snapped at the joints, and almost freaked lol. But once I got my shit together I figured I'd just trim them off if they don't heal/knuckle-up and then stick them in water to clone heh. ::shrug:: =)


Well-Known Member
Isn't it crazy how they are like having pets or...children? LOL! Totally though I'm always stressing on them. Yesterday I did some LST (low-stress training) on all of them and for a first timer it should be called HST! (high-stress training) broke 2 branches, not off just kinda snapped at the joints, and almost freaked lol. But once I got my shit together I figured I'd just trim them off if they don't heal/knuckle-up and then stick them in water to clone heh. ::shrug:: =)
dont stress about it at all man, you would b suprised how fast they will regrow new cells to form a new trunk. pretty fuckin amazin if ya ask me, i have been pinching my tops on some of them to allow light to the lower part, and some i pinched too much it seemed, but a few days later the plants just fills in the gaps, its cool


Active Member
dont stress about it at all man, you would b suprised how fast they will regrow new cells to form a new trunk. pretty fuckin amazin if ya ask me, i have been pinching my tops on some of them to allow light to the lower part, and some i pinched too much it seemed, but a few days later the plants just fills in the gaps, its cool
Right on, I thought for sure I'd go in there today and the one I really bent up bad would be all half dead but it looks fine despite the break. It broke right at a Y joint from the first topping so it was already kind of knuckled there so I'm hopeful. Now to go give them some molasses and ferts and hope they forgive me lol. =)


Well-Known Member
I am going to be putting the lil ones on 12/12, let the culling begin ! Wish i could post a pic but the camera is shot, gunna buy a new one soon


Well-Known Member
I think i might have a powdery mildew problem. only other thing i can think of is the open sesame water soluable nutes i gave them, when i fed them it I sloppily used a 1 gallon jug and some of it got on some of the leaves. I hope that it is the dried nutes but have already taken measures to stop it in case it is in fact, mildew. my heart wants to say its not but my mind says its true. I have uped the anty with more air circulation and a digital thermostated heater. hopefully i see good results. I clipped off the leaves that were affected as well. we aren't talking outbreak but there was lil speck formations startin. if anyone has knowledge of certain nutrients leaving a residue i would be happy to hear about that.
Clip the leaves and make a solution with hydrogen peroxide and water. I do 1/8L of hydrogen peroxide ( 3%) per 2L water. Spray on the foliage and water with this as well. Works for me!


Active Member
I think i might have a powdery mildew problem. only other thing i can think of is the open sesame water soluable nutes i gave them, when i fed them it I sloppily used a 1 gallon jug and some of it got on some of the leaves. I hope that it is the dried nutes but have already taken measures to stop it in case it is in fact, mildew. my heart wants to say its not but my mind says its true. I have uped the anty with more air circulation and a digital thermostated heater. hopefully i see good results. I clipped off the leaves that were affected as well. we aren't talking outbreak but there was lil speck formations startin. if anyone has knowledge of certain nutrients leaving a residue i would be happy to hear about that.
Bro its more than likely residue. I do that shit all the time and i must say it looks EXACTLY like powdery mildew. i say the same shit all the time. But if your temps and humidity are in check you have nothing to be worried about. right now anyway. ive had PM one time and i noticed its usually in the flowering stage and when there are hella leaves and buds that are sweating but give it a couple of days, bet everything is alright. later


Well-Known Member
well i took em all outta the grow cab, brought em down to the tub and flushed them, leaves and all. while they were outta cab i used a diluted bleach and water solution and sprayed the whole cab down, so lets hope i dont see no damn mildew anymore, hopefully as guerilla stated, it was a nurtient residue, never can be too carefull though.


Well-Known Member
Here they are half a week into flowering phase, a couple signs of nute deficiencey since i did the flush but I am following the dosage on the FF website so hopefully these babies will recover. I got the whole lineup of FF nutes now, grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, open sesame, beastie bloomz, and cha ching. so hopefully shit turns around. also anyone know when the stretch will be done? I am anticipating it to last 3 weeks. first inside grow so everything is new for me.

