First grow checklist

Getting ready for first grow.
[X] 9x7 room painted matte white, built into interior garage. Divided into 28''x 7' seed, veg and mother room-After first veg cycle.
[X]1000w MH light set up
[X] 2 Lotus 200w CFL and cords, socket adapters
[X] Critical mass and Chem dog seeds plus a few random seeds thrown in by Attitude. A couple are auto flowering will likely start those during first grow cycle.
[X] Grow bags
[X] Light mover
[ ] Soil
[ ] Air vent duct and carbon filter
[ ] Nutes
[ ] Alarm
[X] 12 gauge
[X] Glock 26
[X] Medical Green card
[X] light reading material by Mr. Cervantes.

So what am I missing?
Anything I am missing.


What water source do you have in mind? Thermometer / Humidity gauge? pH test kit / reader?

Best of luck on your grow!


New Member
^^ hahaha.. Sorry. Mhhmm. Umm. Might I suggest, put the autos in your veg cab.? Autos yield more with more light.

^^^ hahahaha.... Take care. Good luck
What water source do you have in mind? Thermometer / Humidity gauge? pH test kit / reader?

Best of luck on your grow!
My partner in crime is a plumber so we will come up with some sort of filter system, but being as it will rain in my area until at least April I may collect rain water and mix with settled tap.
Room is ready, going to start germinating seeds next Saturday night or Sunday. Have to leave for a week long trip or we would have started last week.