First Grow and coincidentally first grow journal!


Active Member
First grow with some buddies of mine.

Doing 2 seeds of Arjans Haze #3 in a DR80 with a bubbleponics setup, and something around 15k lumens of light. So far working out great with 1 minor set back.

Planning intake and exhaust and implementing in the near future, couple of little fans to get air moving in and out for now.

One seed didnt make it past germination stage so we replaced it and hopefully it sprouts soon before the other plant is too big.

Does anyone see that as a problem?

Here are some pics.

Grow Journal 11-10-09 002.jpg
Grow Journal 11-10-09 003.jpg
Grow Journal 11-10-09 007.jpg

Questions, concerns, and cheering welcome.


Well-Known Member
no a few days in veg shouldnt matter.... watch light leaks i just had second crop seeded due to herme think its from light stress could be because fem seed either way a dissapointment second time flowers second time seed. good luck will b watchin


Active Member
Thanks for the input beardo

What exactly do you mean by light leaks, kinda still noob at this.

And we'll be updating every week or so so stay tuned =D

and nevermind, went on to read about light leaks. Will take care of this in the near future as well but my understanding is that it doesnt matter too much until flowering, correct?


Active Member
heres some more updated pics from day 14 with captions :)

here is the one we started first. we had some issues with heat early on and stunted the growth, probably almost stopped it completely. on a side note that is most likely what killed the other sprout.
second from the right root was the only one showing after sprouting.after the heat issues and about 12 days from starting it in the cube there was 2 roots out the bottom and this is the pic from day 14 looking like its recovered from the heat

this is the new guy we planted to make up for the one that died. was started day 8 already on its way to being a real plant

top down view of the one that made it through the rough start. the four real leaves doubled in size today the second day of real noticable growth.

this is the spot. the tent itself has three 6 inch holes for inline fans as well as three vent flaps. right now the right vent flap is open for intake and the other fan is hanging inside pushing air out the top all others are closed.

intake fan on right side of the tent

better view of the lighting distance, got the fan ocillating and the co2 bottle in the corner

close up of the exhaust fan we have rigged up.

on a side note i think i need to mess around with my intake/exhaust a bit more. not sure if i have enough air moving through the tent to keep the lights from heating it up too much.

my thinking for that is that i had to raise those lights almost 2 feet off the plants to get the temps down to 81-84 at plant level but the top of the tent was only 80 and everywhere ive been reading says i should be able to keep those lights about 4 inches away and 2 feet seems a bit off from that number.. anyway just posting the plans for the record.

Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated :)


Active Member
time for another update :). think i even got pictures figured out this time too heheh anyway had a little scare over the past couple days had one yellow spot show up on a leaf. hasn't got any bigger tho and there are not any other spots like it so i'm thinking its ok now.

also had some orange algae like stuff in the bucket so did a full clean of everything with some peroxide and then hot water and then put ph'd to around 5.5 water with half nutes and also bought some hygrozyme and put that in as well.

i think the ph may have been way off for those couple days as well because there were some yellow/bronze spots on the edge of the bottom first two real leaves on the bigger plant. i think it might have been because of the algae doesn't look like its spreading anymore. did a bit more covering to make sure light doesnt get into the bucket as much im thinking that might have been the problem.

also the tips on a couple of the leaves looked a little dried and kinda crispy the one that is getting hit with the fans the most and another one doesn't seem to be getting better or worse..

please check out my girls and let me know what you think of them or any suggestions on why some of the things i mentioned happened so i know what i did wrong and if there is any of those symptoms i should be worried about. i changed out the water, put in fresh nutes, cleaned the bucket, water pump, tubes and ph'd the water already to hopefully fix all the problems. also is there anything i can do to clean roots as some of that algae might have slimed up the tubes onto the roots or will the hygrozyme take care of any little bit left?

pics are from day 14 after sprouting for the big girl and its day 7 for the little one. you can see the little bit of yellow and bronze along the edge of the bottom left leaf in the first picture along with that ugly yellow spot on the upper leaf. the little one seems to be totally unaffected by whatever is getting to the bigger one.

again please leave any comments or suggestions id like all the help i can get :)

