First Grow - 5 Jack The Ripper Clones


Well-Known Member
May 8:

Also planted a couple seeds to test which media is best for germination. One Northern Lights and one Hash Spice, this is NL after 4 days from planting the seed:



Well-Known Member
lookin good man. i was gonna message you but it shows you as a guest now?! what's going on? lol. hey how do you post your pics like that? i couldn't find any other way other than attachment. anyways check out my first macro pics :D here's the link:
My original account got corrupted or something, so I remade it. You post pictures by uploading them from your computer to, then you can paste the link onto this page.


Active Member
Wow, congrats on the awesome buds.

Looks like your first grow was a success. I just finished my second grow. (novice grower). I got some good results with CFLs but needed a HPS or something better than CFLs for flowering. MY buds didnt swell as much as yours have. Grats again.


Been following your thread for a while and since i dont have my own journal so show you how mine are doing, i just uploaded some pics here. These are the same cuttings as yours and the same exact age. I started with 400 watt mh and than 600 watt hps. As you can see alot of my leaves just died off... this is just from the past 2 weeks of the leaves that fell off my 4 plants. And still fighting the PM battle.


Well-Known Member
Been following your thread for a while and since i dont have my own journal so show you how mine are doing, i just uploaded some pics here. These are the same cuttings as yours and the same exact age. I started with 400 watt mh and than 600 watt hps. As you can see alot of my leaves just died off... this is just from the past 2 weeks of the leaves that fell off my 4 plants. And still fighting the PM battle.
"Mold is also found in smoke from mold infected cannabis, and the lungs and nasal passages are a major means of contracting fungal infections. "Levitz and Diamond (1991) suggested baking marijuana in home ovens at 150 °C [302 °F], for five minutes before smoking. Oven treatment killed conidia of A. fumigatus, A. flavus and A. niger, and did not degrade the active component of marijuana, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)."


Well-Known Member
Exposing pot to temperatures over 85 degrees breaks down THC. 5 minutes or not, I don't think it's a good idea to cook your pot at 150 degrees
There is not too much pm on my plants. I think im going to spray it with the bakingsoda mix one last time to get rid of the fungicide spray residue and than spray it with normal water 2-3 days before i pull it.


Well-Known Member
I'm going to try it on an isolated amount (a few grams) and see if it is comparable in flavor and strength to the uncooked stuff. If it's relatively similar I will do it all. Not worth risking my friends health in my opinion, although I suppose the chances of PM doing any serious damage is slim. Always been a fan of the better safe than sorry mentality.

And Esto, your plants are looking great. Should get more weight than me haha. Some of my fan leaves are dropping now. Starting the flush this weekend - I will be posting lots of pictures until harvest. I would LOVE one pound wet (4ish Oz dry) but I have my doubts.

Feel free to post more pictures here Esto, I love bud porn. Peace.


Well-Known Member
I've never had PM so I'm not really familiar with the impact it has on medicine or what precautions to take with it. I've just been reading a lot on drying and curing lately (specifically Al B. Fuct's dryer thread) and he mentions the negatives of letting your buds go over 85 degrees.

I think your side by side is a great idea. I'll be curious to see what you find out

And I think you'll hit your 4 oz. Those main colas look nice!