First Ever Grow: Hans LED, Organic Soil, Feminized Seeds


Well-Known Member
!@#$%&*! Mag deficiency.

Hello out there.
Call it Day #79 from seed, day #39 from transplant to 7 gal/supersoil, and Day #24 12/12.
I guess I shouldn't really be complaining, but this mag deficiency has sure been frustrating.
Plants growing but still suffering.
The last pics were from 1/24, which was 5 days after watering and it looked like some of the damage was actually repaired; i.e. some of the yellow tips looked greener.
They looked improved for a few days, then the next "wave" kicked in and I again, saw the tarry discoloration that precedes tissue death :(
I watched it worsen for a couple of days, then watered "heavily" 2 days go (in the afternoon).
Used more epsom salt and used a (2/3)1 1/2 tsp/gal mix with (1/3) 40 ppm R/o water. Also used another small amount (way less than an inch) of supersoil top dressing.
Leaves generally pointing up today so not thinking watering is an issue.
Put about 2 1/2 literes of water from the top, and let 300 ml or so "wick up" from the bottom. All the "standing" water was gone after less than 5 mins.
Temps and RH pretty similar: 65-75 F and 55-65 % RH. RH > 60 % is only after watering.
Keep raising the lights as #2 is over 22 " now. Lights are 6-7 " above the top of #2

#1-So painful to see all the mg def damage, but buds and new growth look good.
#2- still in a weird funk, but new growth looking ok. Plant definiteluy assymetric with one half facing the light and one half facing away from the light.
#3-chugging along
#4-also chugging along.

Getting more dangerous (to the plants) to pull them out for pics. Think I will take further pics in the tent with LED off.
Pics: #1-1st 4, #2-next 4, #3 next 2, #4 next (last) 4

Plan: pretty much the same. Let them do their thing. I assume that with all this growth they will need more water, and I will begin to look closely for signs of fading, now that they have been in these pots for
almost 6 weeks. Fortunately there is plenty of space for topdressings as needed.

Thanks for stopping by, an have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Day #93 from seed. Day #38 12/12

Hi out there,
Alot of bad over the last couple of weeks.
The wave of destruction from the mag deficiency was/is BRUTAL.
I was scared to look at the plants, wondering if I was going to open the tent and find all the leaves gone.
So dejecting. Adding insult to injury, there are alot of leaves literally giving me the finger :(
Felt only minimally better realizing there was nothing I could do about it.

However, the buds still seem to be present. Can't say they've grown much, but they are sticky, and they are dense. And they are potent.
#'1 1,3,4 have only white/green colors, but #2 has some nice orange looking hairs.

A small branch broke off #2 2 weeks ago when I watered. I had it in the garage for the last 2 weeks and this weekend sampled the tiny little puffs of bud that were on the branch.
I was pleasantly surprised to very happy.
It was not the "organic/earthy" taste that I am looking for, more of a non-descript taste, but the high was pretty much what I am looking for. Head and body.
Only smoked 1/3 of a bong hit, twice, but the high got stronger and stronger over a 10-15 minute period. That is every 45 or 60 seconds, I could feel myself getting higher and higher.

Paranoia is running deep, and I now worry about bud rot. Humidity outside has gone up, and now I struggle with 55-65 % RH. I have turned the fan up a little and continue with the damp rid, etc.
I read that I/you/someone should check the bud density to get a clue of fungus damage which occurs from the inside. Only thing I get is sticky fingers.

So, I watered yesterday, between 3/4 to 1 gallon to #'s 1,2,4, including 300-350 mls from the bottom, wicking up. I top dressed with increasing amounts of supersoil with each watering.
So, they were transplanted to 7 gal pots, and watered (12/26) and now watered again on 1/3 (small amount after being burned by the dehumidifier) with full waterings on 1/19, 1/31, and now 2/15.
I have been watering when the hydrometer says "dry" up to 3.5-4 inches from the surface. Another way of saying that, is I water when the "moist" reading is at 3.5-4 inches.
I may need to water them only once more.
This Watering was done with (2/3) 2 tsp/gal of epsom salt in distilled and (1/3) R/O water.

That's about it. Very nervous about the next 4 weeks. Am I going to be able to limp across the finish line, or am I going to go down with the finish line is sight ?
Here are a few pics. NOT PRETTY leafwise, but buds looking frosty.
1st 2 pics "general"
2nd 2 pics #1's buds
next 5, orange hair, #2
next 3, #3
Last 3, #4

As I said, one more water in 2 weeks, and then waiting for the right moment.
I am also deep in the planning stages of grow #2 :)

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day.








Well-Known Member
Day #54 12/12, day #109 from seed

Well, they're still alive.
Watered for the last time 2 days ago. Used less water and less topdress. Actually took advantage of the socal storms and used rain water
in place ofthe R/O water.
Buds, still not that big, but sticky and dense.
#1 has had its hairs turn orange, and #4 is also showing some orange.
I was hoping the DSLR would get good enough pics to see the details of the trichomes, but it doesn't seem to be.
I ordered a jewelers loupe from ebay, and it should be here soon.
I suspect the plants will be ready to harvest in 7-10 days.
Here are a few pics of the buds. 1st 3 #1. next 4 #2. last 3 #4
No pics of #3
So, I guess that's pretty much "it"
Thanks to all for following along.
I will chime in again after cutting them down.




Well-Known Member
Hey dude, how are you? How far are you currently placing the lights from your tops?
Hey Now Tortie, thanks for stopping by. Doing very well thank you. Life getting a little busy.

For reference, plant #2 is untopped, untrained and is 22 inches all. The lights are 8 inches above #2.
Plants 1 and 4 are trained/topped and the lights are 15-18 inches above the "canopy"
The lights have been like this since soon after going to 12/12



Well-Known Member
Day #54 12/12, day #109 from seed

Well, they're still alive.
Watered for the last time 2 days ago. Used less water and less topdress. Actually took advantage of the socal storms and used rain water
in place ofthe R/O water.
Buds, still not that big, but sticky and dense.
#1 has had its hairs turn orange, and #4 is also showing some orange.
I was hoping the DSLR would get good enough pics to see the details of the trichomes, but it doesn't seem to be.
I ordered a jewelers loupe from ebay, and it should be here soon.
I suspect the plants will be ready to harvest in 7-10 days.
Here are a few pics of the buds. 1st 3 #1. next 4 #2. last 3 #4
No pics of #3
So, I guess that's pretty much "it"
Thanks to all for following along.
I will chime in again after cutting them down.

GREAT job......+ rep..........your almost there grower..........for your first run with hans, fantastic results from 130watts

be safe


Well-Known Member
Hi Out there,
Day #126 from seed day #71 12/12

Got the jeweler's loupe 10 days ago and......almost all trichs still clear
have watered #'s 2,3 and will water #'s 1 and 4 tomorrow
It looks like the topsoil has hardened and formed some kind of insulation to keep the soil moist. I manually broke up the caked topsoil on # 2
and that's why it needed water before the others
the house stinks and I actually ordered a filter a couple of days ago (that's probably the fastest way to get them to finish)
I learned that flowering does not start on day #1 of 12/12, so maybe another week or two.
At least the buds are growing a bit, and remain very dense and resinny

Will continue to be patient.
Have a great day,



Well-Known Member
Nice lookin grow!

promise ur next one will be much better!

edit: also good job on not pulling out the dying leaves. Most growers would pluck them bcuz they look ugly, but really u want to keep them because the plant is some what eating itself for its last bit of food/energy.


Well-Known Member

#132 days from seed #77 days 12/12 DONE ! I am declaring 131 gms-relatively conservative.

WARNING-->long discussion ahead. It was longer and may seem disjointed now as I have had to trim it to <10000 characters. :(

Hello to all out there. Everyone seems to have survived the five (or however many it was) days without RIU.
Relatively poor timing as I have been busy finishing up my first grow over the last 10 days.
So many things to consider as the grow wraps/wrapped up.
Last checked in on Day #71 of 12/12 and trichs were pretty clear.
About four days later they looked to be clouding, and on day #75 I turned off the light.
Cut down #3 on Day #76 12/12 (after 24 hours of darkness)
Cut down #'s 1,2,4 on Day #77 12/12 (after 48 hours of darkness)

I am still trying to put it all in perspective, but a recurring theme regarding drying and curing was to do it SLOWLY.
Figure 4-7 days to dry, then on to cure.
Picked up a kenmore dehumidifier (no A/C) for $100.
He had told me he starts at setting of 70 % and goes down 5 % a day until 40 %, then he's done. +/- 7 days.
Problem was that I didn't have the dehumidifier the first night, and the humidity in the house wa 50 %. Didn't make sense to set it at 70 %.
Another couple of decisions that needed to be made was to hang dry or put in a paper bag. And if hung to dry, as a whole plant or branches.

I decided to hang the whole plant with the option of cuting off branches if need be. I closed the closet almost the whole way and left the rolling door an inch or two open.
I put the dehimidifier right next to the small opening. Started it at 60 %. Then lowered it 5 % a day, and left it at 40 % for 2 days.
I monitored the humidity in the closet and it was a little different than the setting on the dehumidifier, but it did go down daily as the dehumidifier humidity was lowered.
Obviously, I checked on the hanging plants daily. Mainly to see if the stems were close to snapping, as well as to try and see if the outsides (of the buds) were dry and crunchy and the insides were still soft.
When the above happened, for my set up this was about 7 days, I did the fine trimming, took the buds off the stems, and jarred 'em up.
I was glad I hung the whole plant as the dehumidifier really worked well, and a few smaller buds that were left just in a glass ( I experimented with a bunch of different ways to dry) jar got too dry, and couldn't be fixed.
Hanging the whole plant and leaving a few leaves on allowed them to dry a little slower. I did most of the trimming at the time of harvest, and then did a second trimming once they were dry. That is where the "smokable " shake came from.

Was nervous when I was jarring them b/c they were crunchy on the outside, but over a couple of days, the buds redistributed the moisture, and I am very happy.
I have put a humidity sensor in the jars and am trying to keep the humidity around 63-65 %. If it goes higher I will open up the jar.

As above, 131 grams weighed, probably 3-4 grams smoked before weighing.
Plant 1--->30.5 grams
Plant 2-->28 grams
plant3-->14 grams
plant 4-->40 grams
current smoking buds-->5 grams
smokable shake-->13.5 grams [already smoked and decent joint material]

TOTAL--->131 grams
so, somewhere between .9-1.0 GPW

A big CHEERS to all,


Plant #1

Plant #2

Plant #3

Plant #4


Well-Known Member
hey chronikool
I would love to show them to you. I had pretty much all the steps documented/photographed.
had to cut the # of pics down to 20 yesterday.
sorry that the 20 that I posted are difficult to see.
I will try to post them again, in a couple of different posts, to show the 30 or so I started with.
will do it when I get back home later today.
sampled the AI for the first time yesterday--->flashed back to college days, where we had a steady supply of the Northern Lights...'piney' and so tasty.