First Ever Grow: Hans LED, Organic Soil, Feminized Seeds


Well-Known Member
GM out there. Day 12 from soil breakthrough.
Watered #3 for the first time with a small amount of water. Pulled out the inner cup and saw roots all the way down to the bottom and circling around the very bottom.
Soil was not all bound together, but not far from it. There was minimal soil loss (into the outercup) I and gently placed back the inner cup. Wanted to snap a few pics but put all my energy at the moment into gently putting it back in.
Also watered #5 wih a small amount of water. Now only #1 has not been watered. I think next up to be watered are #'s 1 and 2 and then 4.
#2 is really perking up here.

Over the long weekend I will be expending energy setting up and planning the next step(s) which will be transplanting to 1 gallon pots, using supersoil, and setting up the veg chamber. I think I will go with some LED floodlights like This:
"•Housing a 50w cool white floodlight (6000-6500k), a 50w warm white (3000-3500k) a 30w cool white and a 10w cool white."
Thank You chronikool. This looks simple, effective, and relatively inexpensive. I keep hearing this inner voice saying "try to get a mother out of one of those 5"
As far as the worm composting set up, things are being limited by the difficulty in procuring organic alfalfa pellets. I will look to order the worms early next week and start things without those specific pellets.
#3...WATERED-1st water, small volume. BeforeIMG_2069.jpgIMG_2070.jpgIMG_2071.jpgAfterIMG_2074.jpg
#5...Watered 2nd water,small volume IMG_2078.jpgIMG_2079.jpgIMG_2080.jpgIMG_2081.jpg
Thanks for stopping by and have a great day and weekend.



Well-Known Member
Good Morning.
Having a new issue this morning.
Good ol' #5 has had the tips of the 1st leaves turn yellow/brown. The other leaves seem ok. When I went back and looked at #4 I thought I also saw somw yellowing, but couldn't see any despite looking pretty well.
Really not sure what to make of it. This is the seed that was 24 hours behind the others. One less day in the soil, under the lights, etc.
Hard to believe it is overwatered as I am leaning toward the dry side, although she did get a little bit of water yesterday. If it was a (mg) deficincy b/c of the distilled water, the other plants should also show signs.
If the soil was too hot, the others should show signs. Maybe from exposure to the highest light setting a day earlier than the others ?
I don't really know, but I do know that #5's other leaves and the other plants continue to look good.
So for now, not doing anything. However, this had got me thinking about adding a little of the R/O 200 ppm to the distilled water to try and avoid cal/mag problems which seems commonplace with distilled water.


#1..Looking OK. Short. Probably stressed from the "flood". Still wet...IMG_2085.jpgIMG_2086.jpgIMG_2087.jpg

#2...Recovering nicely from seed helmet....WATERED a little, after its growth over the last few daysIMG_2088.jpgIMG_2089.jpgIMG_2090.jpgIMG_2091.jpgIMG_2092.jpg

#3...Continues to look good...IMG_2093.jpgIMG_2094.jpgIMG_2095.jpgIMG_2098.jpgIMG_2100.jpg

#4...No issues, will need water soon...IMG_2101.jpgIMG_2104.jpgIMG_2106.jpgIMG_2109.jpg

#5..As above...IMG_2110.jpgIMG_2111.jpgIMG_2112.jpgIMG_2113.jpgIMG_2115.jpg

Any thaughts and input would be much appreciated, thanks, and have a great day.



Well-Known Member
GM out there. Let's call this Day #15
So, over the last 24 hours, the brown tips of #5 have not really worsened, but both 1st leaves look a little lighter. Also, #4's 1st leaf tips both also turned brown.
All the other leaves look ok, but there wasn't really much growth over the last 24 hours.
#3's leaves were all pointing up, while #'s 3 and 4's leaves may have a little (relative) droop (?)
WATERED #4 and #5 (straight distilled water) and didn't do anything else.
I still am not sure what this is or if it is anything at all. ? Somewhat normal as the plant grows to pay less attention to the 1st leaves. Now I have to at least entertain the idea that it is a soil or light, or species thing.
When I looked at growers notes on the Nirvana site, the AI's were noted to be "nutrient sensative" and the BM's "nutrient hungry". This was to be adressed by the slightly different amounts of supersoil I was going to use for each.
Will post on the problem board, but not too worried yet, as all the other leaves are looking ok.
Temps/RH still same: 80-85/60-65 % during day, and 70/75 % at night.
Lights:same, 14" from plants at full flowering intensity.

Gen Scene:IMG_2138.jpgIMG_2123.jpg

#1...No water yet...IMG_2117.jpgIMG_2118.jpg

#2...1 day since 2nd water...IMG_2119.jpgIMG_2120.jpgIMG_2122.jpg

#3...2 days since 1st water...Actually forgot to take a pic this morning. You can see above, it is looking fine, reaching for the lights.

#4...WATERED.3rd water, 4 days since last water...IMG_2124.jpgIMG_2125.jpgIMG_2131.jpgIMG_2132.jpgIMG_2133.jpgIMG_2134.jpgIMG_2135.jpg

#5...WATERED.3rd water, 2 days since last water...IMG_2136.jpgIMG_2137.jpg

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.



Well-Known Member
Everything looks fine^^^^ grower.............don't worry too much about the little stuff.

Doing great.........keep it up:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there.
Hi PSU, thanks for the encouragement. Will continue to monitor and try to stick to the plan.
So, I think I got the answer I was looking for, re: the brown tips.SSChevelle, JohnDee, and Topfuel29 all chimed in on that it is/was most likely the "heat" of the Roots Organic.
Makes sense. Although #5s brown tips aren't worse, it does look like most of the 1st leaves are lightening.
#5 does look better with respect to upward pointing leaves; maybe from the watering. However, #4 still looks (relatively) droopy compared with #3 and #5, even though it was also watered yesterday.
#1 is getting very close to watering, and #s 2 and 3 will need water soon, and maybe a little more for #4. Will re-evaluate in AM.
I drilled a bunch of holes in 1 gallon pots, and plan on transplanting within the next week.

Gen Scene....IMG_2139.jpgIMG_2140.jpg

#1...Getting close to needing water, short, but leaves finally made it "out" of the cup.IMG_2141.jpgIMG_2142.jpg


#3...Leaves pointing up the most of all 5...IMG_2146.jpgIMG_2148.jpgIMG_2149.jpg

#4...Droopy...IMG_2150.jpgIMG_2152.jpg...Watering yesterday did not make much of a difference...

#5...IMG_2157.jpgIMG_2158.jpgIMG_2160.jpgIMG_2162.jpgAt least the new leaves seem to be pointing upwards...

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day.



Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there.
Little bit going on.
I believe that I have been underwatering the plants. #4 is looking worse day by day. I gave it an emergency drink yesterday evening.
I do believe that the newest leaves did respond a bit. Gave it a good drink this morning and I think it is looking a bit better.
Gently watered until run-off. Let wait 20 mins and added a little to get a few drops of run-off again.
The soil is generally dry, and I don't think it will be easy to trasplant them so dry.
So, today, I was liberal with the water. Watered #'s 2,3,4,5.
You can see the total amount of water given by looking at the container in pic #2067 vs. #2300
#1 has come alive, despite me mucking around with the 2 cups and irritating the roots yesterday afternoon.
Hopefully with the additional moisture, the plants will be happier, and they will be easier to transplant in 1-3 days.
Daytime temp/RH is 80-85/45-50 % and nightime is 70/75 %

Gen Scene:IMG_2167.jpgIMG_2168.jpgIMG_2169.jpg
#1...No complaints, looking better day by day...IMG_2170.jpgIMG_2172.jpgIMG_2173.jpg


#3...WATERED(small volume)...No complaints here either...IMG_2180.jpgIMG_2184.jpgIMG_2185.jpg

#4...Problem Child...WATERED to run off and then given more to run off a 2nd time...IMG_2186.jpgIMG_2189.jpgIMG_2190.jpgIMG_2187.jpgIMG_2188.jpg....20 mins later.....IMG_2198.jpgIMG_2200.jpgIMG_2199.jpg

#5...WATERED...doing OK...Not a whole lot of growth, but leaves generally upward...IMG_2192.jpgIMG_2193.jpgIMG_2194.jpgIMG_2195.jpgIMG_2196.jpg

Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.



Well-Known Member
Good morning out there.
Somewhat anxious to open the tent this morning, but greeted with a good sign.
#4 has recovered somewhat, and GROWN. Lower leaves look like toast though.
I think they all look better after yesterdays drink, but top of soil pretty dry already.
I will try and transplant all of them when I get home this afternoon.
Watered #1 for the first time, and used the spray bottle to put 2 sprays onto the top of the soil (of all the plants) , to try to keep things moist for the transplant.
Humidity down to 60 with the lights off; and 45-50 % with them on.


#1...FIRST WATER day 18, small volume ......IMG_2205.jpgIMG_2206.jpgIMG_2207.jpgIMG_2208.jpg





Thanks for stopping by and have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Will follow, really interested in that Hans panel, but im gonna stick with one :P

Hopefullt that will be enough in a 75x75cm.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Good evening out there. Sorry for the late post, pictures wouldn't upload this morning and had to bail.
Having no luck uploading the pics in the text, check them out at the bottom.
Hey Now dtrips, thanks for stopping by. Hopefully there will be something to see here as time goes by.
So,they say gardening is relaxing, but doing the transplant thing was quite nerve wracking.
I think it turned out OK as the plants looked pretty happy this morning.
#3 definitely had the best root ball as the whole cup came out easily, and the roots were as wide as string. The other 4 had cotton like roots that went about 2/3-3/4 to
the bottom.
The soil was too dry and crumbled alot, and I lost that soil that was at the bottom.
Put 2-3 (solo) cups of Roots, used an empty cup to make space, transplanted, and put 1.5-2 cups of distilled water.
Lights raised to be between 11" (#4) and 14" (#5)
Humidity shot up to 82 % in the dark, but is down to 70 % with the lights on.
Overall, I am pretty satisfied.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Good Morning. Call it day #20, transplanted day #18
Things look pretty good today.
#3 has got what I have heard described as a "gangsta" lean. I would call it a differnet kind of lean, but gangsta will do.
I did the first thing I thought of, not quite "four sticks", but two. Maybe the lean will turn out to be a positive thing ?
I think the new growth is looking good.
I am befuddled as to why, after 2 1/2 weeks of being able to post pics within the text, yesterday I couldn't.
Maybe accidently hit a toggle somewhere.
Anyway, will post pics at the end until I can post them in the middle.
Have a great day.




Well-Known Member
I'm baffled as to why you transplanted into such small containers, are you going to up-pot like five times till finish?;-)

panel distance looks good a the internode s show^^

Keep it green grower! and stay safe


Well-Known Member
Good morning out there.
Hi PSU, as someone who has never done this before, those containers don't seem so small ;) But here is my rationale:

short answer(s):
one more transplant to 5 or 7 gallon pot. That's how TGA Subcool seems to be doing it.
Long answer:
I initially was going to do sprout-->1 gallon-->5 or 7 gallon. Just before starting I looked at discussions discussing the benefits of frequent transplanting vs. the
risk. I thought I wanted to transplant as little as possible. The majority of input was that transplanting usually was not a problem. For me it made more sense to add the solo cup to get a sense of "soil dynamics"
on a small scale, rather than jumpimg off the "medium" end. Turns out, even though the only thing I had to do was water, and that was still a challenge. I probably would have had more issues in a bigger cup right off the bat.
I have worked backwards on the timing thing. They will finish in the 5 or 7 gallon with supersoil. I would like them to acclimate for 10-14 days once in the final pot. So, they will be in the final pot for 2 weeks before flower and then for 8 more weeks.
The 1 gallon makes the most sense to me (right now) as it gives them a chance to grow, with more food now, bigger space, and I am looking to transplant into 5 or 7 (probably depending if I flower 4 or 5) in 3-4 weeks. It also gives
me a chance to continue observing the soil dynamics on a slightly larger scale. I also don't think these plants will end up very big.
I hope that makes a little sense. There are many things that could go wrong, but it seems logical to me, and I don't think there will be a need to go to a 3 gallon or intermediate sized ones.
If anyone sees gaping holes in this logic, please chime in.......

On a side note re: watering: I really think I should have watered them with more waer in the solo's. I never really watered to a good run-off level. There are some very smart people on this site that believe, if you have enough holes in te pot, you can't really overwater, and for "organics" it's even more important
to not let the soil dry out.

So, for today, things looked nice, new healthy growth.Just a few pics. Looks like they are grooving in their new home.
May have to top 1 or 2 of them in the near future ;)
Thanks for stopping by and have great day.




Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there. Day #22, transplanted and last watered Day #18
Looks like El Tib stopped by...
I thought of a dozen ways to respond, some nicer than others, but this is what I decided on:
IMHO:Apples and Oranges, my learned and experienced friend.
You post a picture of a 30 day old 65 % Sativa dominant plant and compare it to a picture of a 20 day old 90 % Indica dominant plant.
Despite the watering, humidity, and other issues, I think this is the best explanation of your "observation".

This guy's journal says I am doing OK:

Things remain green and new growth looks good.Soil drying slowly, and now have to decide when to water again.Was thinking tomorrow (day #5) but now thinking 2-3 days.
I know, here we go again. Going to try and find some time to look over topping and LSTing over the weekend. Obviously a little nervous.

Thanks to all for stopping by and have a great day.




Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there.
Brutal start to the day, got a text from a high school buddy about another high school buddy that passed this morning, natural causes.
First time ever getting drunk (age 16), he was there, and my first bong was named after him. Hadn't seen much of him lately, but had known him since 6th grade.
How frequently do I need to be reminded that our time is so transient and that life is so fragile....

El Tibs thoughts got me thinking. The plants are pretty small, and I am beginning to think that #5 does have a problem.
I wonder if underwatering could be the cause. #4 is the tallest and had a growth spurt after the emergency watering followed by aggressive watering the next day.
So, tomorrow I will water all liberally with the double water technique
This would be 4 1/2 days since water/transplant.

Spent alot of time looking over topping and LSTing yest. I was worried to start too early, but threw my paperclip into the ring and started on #3.
It had the biggest roots, and I guess can handle the stress the best.
So, it was leaning over anyway. Took 2 paperclips and made a "U". Put one close to the ground and the other closer to the top.
Took alot of pics, so maybe people can chime in with what looks good and what doesn't look good.
I got the impresson that LSTing is a process, not an event.

Thanks for stopping by, and vibes to my friend "H" and his family.




Active Member
a small amount of water, followed later by a sufficient amount is a good suggestion. you do want consistent moisture throughout the soil. that seems like kind of a lot of water in that video. something like a shot {1oz like a booze shot} 1x or 2x a day per gallon is the low end of watering "enough" ~which varies based on temps & air circulation @ the root level {around your containers} also, ambient temp, humidity & even light intensity can increase transpiration.

in the vid the guy had some mulch. w/ the watering he gave, that probably lasts a good 3 or 4 days and maybe more. ~the mulch being a factor which helps maintain a consistent moisture level.

there's a common thinking that containers should cycle from "very wet" to "very dry" ~which is a myth; moisture should vary from a sort of "dry moist" to a "wet moist" ~never soggy and never dry to the point it's hydrophobic

i speculate that your soil may have been a bit rich for seedlings & this may have stunted them. they have good color and seem to be doing well/just a little slow-ish ~which would tend to mean that you are close to being right on track ~you may not want to try any kind of major change/more like "micro-adjustments" & keep track of what helps


Active Member
Well i wouldn't worry so much this isn't about a race isn't it? It's about growing top grade med,i think you are on track, as long as your plants are healthy and drinking water i wouldn't worry so much. Carry on soldier.


Active Member
You're doing great, man!! Doesn't even matter that your ladies might be smaller or bigger than other guys' !! You're now healthy and green!!



Well-Known Member
Good Morning out there.
Hey mobot, thanks for stopping by. I am realizing that each cup/pot is a microenvironment and its needs will be different from other growers, and other pots in the same grow,etc.
Decided to go with a middle of the road approach to this mornings water. Did the first water with a little bit of run-off, nothing "standing", and will gently rewater in 45 mins to get a few drops of run-off.
Hi lospsi, thanks for chiming in, and yes, definitely not a race. I am and always have been a quality over quantity kind of guy, so I will carry on.
Hi cooldude, thanks for stopping by and thanks for the encouragement. Cheers to you too !
As above, did the first water already today.
Things looking good.
Just did the 2nd 1 hour later.

I am entering the twilight zone with #3. The goal of LSTing is/was to increase the growth by altering which branches the plant thinks need(s) the most attention.
By bending it over, I thought I could make the current main growth side move to the side, and have new, previously hidden growth sites pstart to grow.
Seems, the first part happened, that is, got the main growth site to the periphery, but it does not look like any sites are "picking up the slack"
I will leave it just like it is, but I wonder if I started too early, and there AREN'T any new sites to pick up the slack, yet.

Thanks for stopping by, and have a great day.




Active Member
Hey Face! The point of LST'ing is really to have your lady going the direction you want her to go and overall, it's a lil bit too early for the outcome, it will come in time.

Bending her, gives her more light but you have to wait 'till lower nodes (which as I see aren't there yet) appear and start using the light penetration! It's not early though, as your lady is getting the shape that you're giving her, and makes it easier to train her in the future!
