First Closet Grow with Envirolites


Well-Known Member
I doubt that they're new shoots, judging by the way the "wisp", but it would do you no harm to hang on a few days.

As soon as it becomes possible for them to pollenate the females - get them out of there.

You could always have the guys growing casually away from the females until they're fully grown - they still have a good clout of THC in them and are good for making hash.

Better than killing them!


Well-Known Member
theyre new shoots, not boy balls

the 'wispy' bits are the new leaves trying to push and open out either side


Active Member
I doubt that they're new shoots, judging by the way the "wisp", but it would do you no harm to hang on a few days.

As soon as it becomes possible for them to pollenate the females - get them out of there.

You could always have the guys growing casually away from the females until they're fully grown - they still have a good clout of THC in them and are good for making hash.

Better than killing them!
theyre new shoots, not boy balls

the 'wispy' bits are the new leaves trying to push and open out either side
Thx for the replys, i will hang on a few days and see how it pans out.


Active Member
how are they so tiny? mines grows elongated lol, could that be 100% indica?
if your talking about the lowryder, they are genetically designed to be small and compact autoflowering.

And if yur on about the cali orange i pruned the tops to make the sides more bushier

not sure about the indica thing


Active Member
Quick update on the goings on in my closet.
I transplanted all my plants to bigger pot's 2 days ago.
I should of done this about two weeks ago cause im in early flowering at this stage but i'm a noob so i'm learning my boundarys all the time.

I also trimmed a few leaves off the LR#2 just to expose a few bud sites.
(any thoughts on if this was a bad move????)

I have donated one to a friend and the remaining four and the lowryder#2 all fit back in.... just about.
(I'm thinking that things are going to get a bit hectic in there in the coming weeks!!)

Just when you think everythings goin along swimmingly, the other foot falls.
Last night i was taking a few close up shots of emerging hairs on one of the cali orange girls, Yep Its a girl!!! Thank fook for that.
Well i only knocked over my little Lowryder. I was fooking :spew:
Smashed to the floor in a flash.
It all happened so fast cause i was bombed outta me tiny little mind :hump:
Broke one of her little budding arms and ripped off 2 completely. :spew:
What a fu.cking dickhead.
I have no problem telling you that i wept openly like a woman.

Theres some before and after pics for y'all to weep over.

The Horror :cry:

(The first is before, the 2nd pic is an ariel shot of the LR#2 and the rest are just painful to view)



Well-Known Member
Quick update on the goings on in my closet.
I transplanted all my plants to bigger pot's 2 days ago.
I should of done this about two weeks ago cause im in early flowering at this stage but i'm a noob so i'm learning my boundarys all the time.

I also trimmed a few leaves off the LR#2 just to expose a few bud sites.
(any thoughts on if this was a bad move????)

I have donated one to a friend and the remaining four and the lowryder#2 all fit back in.... just about.
(I'm thinking that things are going to get a bit hectic in there in the coming weeks!!)

Just when you think everythings goin along swimmingly, the other foot falls.
Last night i was taking a few close up shots of emerging hairs on one of the cali orange girls, Yep Its a girl!!! Thank fook for that.
Well i only knocked over my little Lowryder. I was fooking :spew:
Smashed to the floor in a flash.
It all happened so fast cause i was bombed outta me tiny little mind :hump:
Broke one of her little budding arms and ripped off 2 completely. :spew:
What a fu.cking dickhead.
I have no problem telling you that i wept openly like a woman.

Theres some before and after pics for y'all to weep over.

The Horror :cry:

(The first is before, the 2nd pic is an ariel shot of the LR#2 and the rest are just painful to view)
did u make a clone outta that one plant in the 4th pic?


Active Member
did u make a clone outta that one plant in the 4th pic?
Why did'nt i make a god damn clone??????
FFS i'm a freaking noobie, no doubt about it!

I just wasn't thinking straight last night. Totally lost the plot but i'll take note for future ref. thx


Well-Known Member
thats too bad about your branch, it will be missed.congrats on the new fem., I just found some hairs on four of my blueberrys. Anyway, nice plants.


Active Member
nice stubby plants mate:D they look sweet
Thx for the props, I think there stubby because they were kinda rootbound when transplanted and the fim toping i did earlier in the grow........ i think?.
The growth that has gone on in one plant is just plain weird!
Reminds me of a crucifix for some strange reason (see pic 1)

And more great news from the closet. Girl have shown signs!!!!!
Lovely Jubbly!!
Thats three female cali's, a battered lowryder girl and one unknown but looking promising, as of tonite!

I'm also amputating the half broken arm off the LR#2 for a cloning excercise! it's starting to wilt a little so i'm intervening.

Oh and the World Society For Prevention of Cruelty of Plants,
have issued death threats in my general direction
after the "lowryder incident" :mrgreen:

