First Closet CFL Grow


Well-Known Member
Well Tool, my 5 month old girls are at the end of their life and are getting clones taken off then put into my flowering room

damn, i'm gonna miss them, my grow space is gonna look empty


Well-Known Member
Still looking nice waiting for my lights to turn on at 12 so i CAN Look at mine . Very nice tho. Those buds are looking good. smell good?
it smells wonderful in there! I'm waiting for the lights to come back on so I can take a peek in! Only 10 more minutes!

Hey tool how's it going? I love how your plants are growing, I ordered seeds and I'm wating to get them home my plants look as good as your's
Sweet bro, thanks for stopping by and thanks for the compliments!

Loving it!
And they are loving you for the compliments!!

Looking fine bro, bet theyre beginning to smell heavenly!
Yes they are! Hope your plants get back to 100% TGP, i'm rootin for em!!

lookn cleannn............:joint:
Thanks for the compliments tech and thanks for stopping by!!!

Well Tool, my 5 month old girls are at the end of their life and are getting clones taken off then put into my flowering room

damn, i'm gonna miss them, my grow space is gonna look empty
Damn it might look empty. but your flowering room is going to have a TON of little babies flourishing!!


Well-Known Member
it smells wonderful in there! I'm waiting for the lights to come back on so I can take a peek in! Only 10 more minutes!

Sweet bro, thanks for stopping by and thanks for the compliments!

And they are loving you for the compliments!!

Yes they are! Hope your plants get back to 100% TGP, i'm rootin for em!!

Thanks for the compliments tech and thanks for stopping by!!!

Damn it might look empty. but your flowering room is going to have a TON of little babies flourishing!!
lmfao yea packed full


New Member
Thanks bro, I'm patiently waiting!! really wiish I had a time machine :mrgreen:
you know ive caught myself saying this in the past and you just have to be more patient. Its all almost worth the reward in the end. Then its all smoked up and your waiting on the other ones to
Its an endless cycle as long as your growing. Go ahead and get used to it.

or I can help you set up a prepetual setup like i used to do indoors...
but either way you better get used to waiting.


Well-Known Member
well Tool my friend brought over the plant I bought off of him so I have 2 plants left from the 5 plants I started out with


Active Member
Great stuff T.
I've been following you but haven't commented.
Just letting you know we're all for you.
Also, i too use a total CFl 27w 6500K full spectrum, except with organic soil.
I am so surprised it's working so well for us both.
It just started off as an experiment but now i'm totally behind it.
Actually i got the idea from Wikedwitch's posts but i'm trying to follow you too.
So little electricity, so great results.


Well-Known Member
you know ive caught myself saying this in the past and you just have to be more patient. Its all almost worth the reward in the end. Then its all smoked up and your waiting on the other ones to
Its an endless cycle as long as your growing. Go ahead and get used to it.

or I can help you set up a prepetual setup like i used to do indoors...
but either way you better get used to waiting.
yeah thats why I want my next grow to be a full success! I want enough of a harvest for me to be good for a month or so. Not really one to go a day without being buzzed. I don't mind waiting though lol I love watching these babies grow into a great plant! Knowledge is power!

well Tool my friend brought over the plant I bought off of him so I have 2 plants left from the 5 plants I started out with
Sweet bro can't wait to see the pics!! Let me know when you get them up!

Great stuff T.
I've been following you but haven't commented.
Just letting you know we're all for you.
Also, i too use a total CFl 27w 6500K full spectrum, except with organic soil.
I am so surprised it's working so well for us both.
It just started off as an experiment but now i'm totally behind it.
Actually i got the idea from Wikedwitch's posts but i'm trying to follow you too.
So little electricity, so great results.
Hey strictly! Glad to hear you've been following the journal. Thanks for your support! Yah I would like to try flowering with CFL's, but the HPS can handle more plants better. I will always stick with CFL's for veg. I like how I can manipulate the light and they are small and no heat.


Well-Known Member
Alright everyone a little more pictures for ya. It's day 30 in flowering. The buds are really starting to pop out around this baby. I turned the HPS for a min to take some clear pictures.

Does the droop look bad on the leaves, or is this normal??

The last one, is a wide angle shot I took of the bottom.



Well-Known Member
looking nice man. I dont think they are looking too droopy they usally do that before n after lights are turned on/off. Anyway Ya dude i'm glad ev erything is going good for you and ur girl. i'm sry that its takin her time to fill in. Hope shes not gonna turn out to be want of those 12 weekers!!


Well-Known Member
If it takes 12 weeks then I guess thats what it will take. I'm looking for the uppidy high. I smoke before I work and need something that is going to make me do work, not fall asleep lol. I will probably cut before most people would, my yeild will probably be effected to not let it get to that dark amber trichs but I dont want to fall asleep when I take 2 hits lol.


Well-Known Member
If it takes 12 weeks then I guess thats what it will take. I'm looking for the uppidy high. I smoke before I work and need something that is going to make me do work, not fall asleep lol. I will probably cut before most people would, my yeild will probably be effected to not let it get to that dark amber trichs but I dont want to fall asleep when I take 2 hits lol.
Then ur best bet is is sativa which thank god ur plant is lmfao.. N to harvest when ur trichs are standing str8 up clear stalk, wit either crystal clear ball on top, or a blurry looking ball ontop ;P Enjoy


Well-Known Member
Then ur best bet is is sativa which thank god ur plant is lmfao.. N to harvest when ur trichs are standing str8 up clear stalk, wit either crystal clear ball on top, or a blurry looking ball ontop ;P Enjoy

I've never heard that one before.

TOOL, could you test this?

Harvest some before they turn and some after?


Well-Known Member
I would love to be a tester! I'm going to need your help though enigma! Along as everyone's elses!!! How much can I harvest at one time with the trichs like that without hurting the plant?


Well-Known Member
I would love to be a tester! I'm going to need your help though enigma! Along as everyone's elses!!! How much can I harvest at one time with the trichs like that without hurting the plant?
Can u harvest the whole plant like that if u wanted to .Take a small nug from the buttom if ur just gonna test. Most people dont harvest till the balls are amber cause they want that potent stoned high.. not an upper high!!


Well-Known Member
Here. There was a better link cause this oone is actually missing a picture of one stage. str8 up n milky, str8 up n clear, str8 up n amber, bent over n amber. Take a look just by what the trichs look like you kno what kinda high u'll get


HAHA i kno what ur thinking lmfao.. its not what it looks like.. Nvm u cant actually see the link.


Well-Known Member
I would love to be a tester! I'm going to need your help though enigma! Along as everyone's elses!!! How much can I harvest at one time with the trichs like that without hurting the plant?
I'd start the harvest with the lowest branches first. Let the cola(s) stay in longer since they will produce the largest amount of bud.

Besides, if you remove the lower buds the plant will no longer have those to focus on and will put all of its energies into the top!




Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke:All the above information is correct as far as I can tell.
What I have gathered from reading here and elsewhere
(including seed bank information)

Clear - needs some time yet, don't rush
Cloudy - Social type "up" high
Cloudy/Amber - Mixed Buzz "up" yet "body" high as well
Mostly Amber - Couch Lock (strong "body" high)
All Dark Amber - you missed harvest