Finish the sentence above you!


Well-Known Member
that gun in my night stand drawer that I can use to rob a liquor store and when I get a few thousand dollars I'll have to...


Well-Known Member
poked out a nine and told me she would rather me walk away before she had to ice me right there on the spot.

so I looked that bitch right in the eye and said...


Well-Known Member
poked out a nine and told me she would rather me walk away before she had to ice me right there on the spot.

so I looked that bitch right in the eye and said...

"Listen bitch I'm dunk and Imma get one way or the other, now R U gonna give it or must I get mean?"

So thought for a second and the proceeded to...


Well-Known Member
puled out 2 desert eagles shot a couple of rounds in your watermelon head and yelled

say hello to my little friend shot up the restaurant killed the manager raped his wife
kdnapped his daughter and.....