Few organic questions.


Well-Known Member
First off im trying to reuse my soil for next year. What are good covercrops i can grow. Im trying to keep the soil in 30 gallon pots and plant that way. Also can i put mulch in with the soil when i plant thw cover crops and put red wigglers directly in the soil


Well-Known Member
When should i plant thw cover crops and when should i chop them. Can i plant the marijuana plant directly into the live covercrops or should i chop the covercrops up and then plant the marijuana plant and topdress with mulch and alfalfa to cool down the soil


Well-Known Member
When should i plant thw cover crops and when should i chop them. Can i plant the marijuana plant directly into the live covercrops or should i chop the covercrops up and then plant the marijuana plant and topdress with mulch and alfalfa to cool down the soil
check the no till thread, the ROLS thread.
you want nitrogen fixing legumes, and you want them to be chopped down and composted back into your soil before using (if your goal is to acquire their fixed nitrogen)
get a good compost pile.
The true secret to growing awesome herb is simply getting a quality fresh humus source.


Well-Known Member
Awesome and will they survive in 30 gallon pots of regular soil and perlite and compost with covercrops
probably flourish.
Assuming you don't interfere, it sounds asinine (and forgive me, it's not my intent) but in that big of a container?
With compost as a big part of it? and a living soilweb from the legumes?
All YOU need to do, is water, and LITFA.
That's what I do, I don't grow cannabis, my lights, and my compost soil does. all I do is add water.
Sorta like making hamburger helper and thinking you are a cook... no, you added water, boiled and added a spice packet.
Same concept as what I do...
The number one secret to growing fantastic cannabis, is a damn good fresh humus source. Preferably a mix of BOTH worm castings AND an amended leaf compost.
Annnnd you will be amazed every 40-60 days...