Feminized Seeds Hermie Test - 14 strains, which are high risk; frequency; DM Reverse;


Well-Known Member
Red Diesel Clone - Barney's Farm: Week 7

. 7-8 weeks in 12/12 (estimate 3-4 weeks left)
. Sprayed once a week (leaves and roots) for three weeks with Reverse from onset of 12/12
. No bananas to date
. Mother and previous clone hermied excessively, even when sprayed with Reverse.
. Spray for mother and first clone started about 6 weeks into flower.

I've been waiting to see if the RD clone will turn hermie but a little Reverse at the start of flower seems to work better than a lot of Reverse when the plant is bigger and is popping bananas.


Taiga - Dutch Passion:

Taiga is a Ruderalis / Power Plant cross (with a little indica in there). The ruderalis should help with sexual stability. I've got lots of fluffy white pistols around small buds starting to form so it should be a week or two before I see any bananas, but I don't think there will be any. Full grown at 29", but grown in 12/12 for the past 4 weeks, might hit 3' if grown under proper lighting.


So you would say that spraying preemptively on feminized plants made the largest difference? Was this applied during veg or just early on in flower?


Well-Known Member
Hey laserbrn!

"So you would say that spraying preemptively on feminized plants made the largest difference?"

Yes, it's the only difference in my hydro grow set up from the last clone that continued to produce bananas untill the top cola was chopped. And it took very little reverse compared to the earlier clone since the new clone was so small at the start of 12/12.

I let the clone hang in an empty bucket before spaying the roots - so the water would drip off - then after spraying I put the clone back in the same empty bucket for 5 minutes to give the roots time to absorb the Reverse.

"Was this applied during veg or just early on in flower"

The first day I put the clone into the flower room for 12/12. I was thinking that the switch into flower might stress the plant so hitting it with Reverse then might give the best results. Or the plant was so small, and I let the roots absorb the Reverse, maybe .... something ... change hormone output ... for life of plant. I don't know, I gotta find out the mechanics of a female plant producing bananas.

If you haven't flowered a plant from this set of seeds it may be best to see if the breeder made the seeds sexually stable, let them flower without Reverse until you see excessive banana production. Reverse is expensive, extra work, and the maxim "if it's not broke don't fix it or something else will fuck up" applies.



bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
normally im trying to make bannanas on purpose but im growing some og seeds fem/herm from an unknown source so i dont know how much tendency they will have towards herming the reverse might be a good thing t0 use on these.


Well-Known Member
"I just sprouted 12 feminized seeds. 8DP White Widow and + BB Blue Cheese."

Two fantastic strains, sounds great.

"I am planning to mark all of the plants and take clones before they go into flower."

Excellent. Do you use colored beer cups and masking tape? Always interested in how people mark their plants, I'm looking for simpler ways. When mine go into flower I make a tag using masking tape folded so the sticky sides together, write the strain, plant number, date of flower, height at flower. Then take clear packing tape and encase the masking tape, and put a piece of twist tie through to hang it from the plant. Probably more than I need but it's fun having the info handy. Pain in the ass to make though.

"I am going to flower the originals and note which of them hermie's up. If it hermies I'll kill it's clone back in the veg room. ... Does this sound like good logic?"

Yes, excellent. Be sure to have control strains to be sure it's the genetics and not something that's happened during your grow. It'd be awful to throw out a good plant.

"Trying to avoid growing regular seeds and basically achieving the same things, but with less bud from the original run."

Why avoid regular? To skip caring for twice as many plants during veg as you'll get to keep in flower?

Cool, thanks.




Well-Known Member
bicyle race have you breed with sexually unstable strains? If so, how do you breed out the instability? How many generations does it take?





Well-Known Member
bicyle race have you breed with sexually unstable strains? If so, how do you breed out the instability? How many generations does it take?



I mark mine much the way that you do. I fold tape in half and place on a stake and stake it into the rockwool cubes. I like the idea of laminating it in plastic to protect them a little bit better. I'll definitely be doing that.

I went with feminized seeds instead of regular because I wanted to do a quick grow this time. Normally I would start with regular seeds, take clones and kill the males and male clones and move on. Because I flower when the plants are pretty small I figured I'd try feminized seeds and this way I don't have to kill any of the smaller plants, just the clones and pick bananas the first time around to hopefully steal yeild a good return.

After I have everything up and running I'll go back to getting regular seeds. I am looking to just get a healthy number of mothers of some good strains.

I am just ordered a second flowering tent so I can harvest once/month.

I now have two flowering tents and one veg room. So I stagger my starts by one month and I'm hoping it will be fantastic. I'm also upgrading from 2 400w lights in a single room to 1 600w per 4x4 flowering tent.

I'll see how this works out and how I like it, but for now it seems like it's going to awesome.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
no i try to avoid that it would be too time consuming but i will still grow for bud from herm grows if the plant they came from is top notch. i may try in the future if something excellent came along. i will sometimes make crosses with said plants but only for myself. truthfully i have grown seeds from grows that hermed on someone else but for me they normally dont if they do its a minimal amount of pollen and i get a couple dozen seeds total. anything i trade or sell to others i make sure is stable enough for normal amounts of stress though some people can herm anything.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Hey Hobbes, just a little update on my own foray into feminized seeds. The five plants from the Green House fem mix pack that I talked about a couple pages ago are all in their first week of flower now. So far they all have only female preflowers. So that's one hurdle crossed. I guess I just have to watch carefully for pollen sacs as flower goes on.


Well-Known Member
Good stuff mared!

I've only seen male preflowers in a Blueberry F2 strain I got from a pollen chucker. There was a straight horizontal line across the plants from the time of 12/12, all female below and all male above.

The rest are bananas growing out of the buds, sometimes inside the seed pods.

Keep us posted regularly on their progress, it'll be interesting to see how Greenhouse's 100% hermie free claim holds up.




Well-Known Member
Red Diesel - Barney's Farm - Sprayed with Reverse once per week for the first 3 weeks, leaves and roots.

Week 8 - perfectly healthy, no sign of bananas.


Taiga - Dutch Passion - I looked back to the first post - dated April 9 - and it looks like the seed sprouted around the first week of April. That would make it 70 - 75 days. The flowering period is suppose to be 56 - 70 days and the buds on my plant have hardly started to develop. Lots of white pistols. The extra time could be from my light system - I had it in 24 hour light (14 hrs of 125W and 10 hrs of 1000W) for the first 6 or 7 weeks and in 12/12 for the rest.

I thought the plant would finish in 8 - 10 weeks regardless of photoperiod.

No sign of hermieing.



bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
here is something that might be useful info for this thread im growing some og kush seeds that hermed in a grow from an unknown source the seeds were big and healthy and im vegging them now. im going to give them good care and they will be flowered outdoor i think i can grow them to harvest with no bannanas not counting any that appear very late in flower which sometimes happen naturally. i will let everyone know how it pans out.


Well-Known Member
"im growing some og kush seeds that hermed in a grow from an unknown source the seeds were big and healthy and im vegging them now."

It'll be interesting to see if the plant was pollinated by a male or hermied, let us know if you get any males when you put them into flower. Is OG Kush usually a stable strain?

Keep us updated in this thread if you can. Thanks.




Well-Known Member
haze that's beyond what I've researched, I've never done any breeding on purpose. From what little I learned stability has a lot to do with picking the best parent stains, and parent plants out of batches of germinated seeds and chucking any parents that produce unstable offspring.

Sometimes a breeder wants to preserve a certain characteristic - diesel taste, soaring head high, purple color - and the stability of other characteristics are of secondary importance during the breeding process. So if a breeder looking for a strong diesel taste had the choice between two parents - one with the right taste but less sexual stability vs a poorer tasting plant with good sexual stability - the breeder has a choice between a new strain that may hermie more and taste great, or be more sexually stable but not have as pronounced a taste.

And sometimes it's a crappy breeder producing F2s or not knowing how to pick proper parents that produce stable characteristics. Very stable strains like Northern Lights are often used in crosses to help with stability, among other things.

Maybe a breeder could help us out here. Please and thank you.



bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
the og seeds were from a herm grow of very good bud no males. i purchased them very cheap knowing that they may herm on me there very healthy seeds. well see if they herm its no big deal as its all for me anyways. in the past i have grown out herm source og phenos with no issues it normally is a stable strain.


Well-Known Member
Hey Mindmelted!

"Snow White From Nirvana, White Berry from Paradise, Train Wreck from GreenHouse"

I don't know much about Nirvana seeds, but I've read consistently good reports on White Berry and Paradise, and I've read around the forum that Greenhouse is advertising zero hermies. Good to hear you've gone hermie free. I've got a Trainwreck fem seed waiting to germ, it'll be great if it's sexually stable.

What was the high like for your Greenhouse Trainwreck? Did it hit fast or creep? Potent? Both head and body? How trippy? Anything else you can think of ;)


