feedback please!


Well-Known Member
You want some feedback? Ok, here you go...

Don't spam the boards with your grow room link. One thread is sufficient.


Well-Known Member
lol im sorry dude...but im hoping i can catch a few experts eyes...i never seem to get much feedback on one thread...hard to catch on here...


Well-Known Member
it fuckin sick room mate every good loving it look pretty much like mine man but i build a box for the vegging man with 2z 4 32 watts sunlight bulbs 4ft long fit a nice 16 plants in it 5x5 it is man think about something like that next time bro


Well-Known Member
and does it really bother you that much.....
Yes it does. Let me explain. Everytime you post it shows up as a new post. The experts go thru the list of new post. IF you keep all of the information about your grow in one spot we might be able to answer your question because we will have all of the information about your grow. There are over 90,000 members here, we do not have the time, nor will we take the time to search around and find out what you are doing and how you are doing it, we just don't bother trying to answer questions that don't have all of the information we would need to make an intelligent comment.
If you post in your journal it shows up as a new post, BUT the post count grows. Are you more likely to look at a thread with one post or 30?
By starting multiple threads about the same thing you become like Peter in the story of Peter and the wolf, after a while we will just ignore your cries, don't be a peter. VV:clap:


Well-Known Member
i see whta your saying....just wanted to share this with a few people....excites me ya know...he he he....well sorry if i pissed you guys off.....justy trying to maker a few pot buddies