Feds Changing Their Minds!!! July 15th....


Well-Known Member
I'm not a quitter and never will be. Just because I don't wish to keep an open line of communication with a douche like you doesn't make me a quitter. It just means I have better things to do. 10 seconds to type this message was long enough... moving on...


Well-Known Member
Well good luck, and I wish I were a douche or a bike seat! 1 of the 2 would be fine. Maybe if I am good God will reincarnate me into one of them for next time around.

Tis a shame when another man cannot invest 10 seconds of his precious expensive time to help another man see his ways.

I am trying to be friendly but assertive at the same time.


New Member
streets you are a lire. you can flower 36 under three lights. thats why your a waist. you make comments like" you like cleaning smelly pussies." your talking to professionals here you cant bull shit me.


Well-Known Member
streets, I think he means "waste" as is garbage. Not "waist" as between the pelvis and ribcage.

streets does have a point though. The guy said he wished he was an actual douche... that's pretty sick if you think about it.


Active Member
$0 is the way i see it
you cannot possibly be this stupid

yes - i said stupid

you paid the son of a bitch that said you should come and see me - why the FUCK would you expect to not fucking pay me



please excuse me - that wasn't at all called for was it?



Well-Known Member
Yea the thread sucked but shit I was able to wish to be a douche a bikeseat and was able to meet alot of new people.

JOC how did my dickness measure up to the others? I like the threads where everyone learns where everyone stands. Good Day MI
I thought the whole purpose of being a clown was so you are gender neutral as part of the act.
unless there are actual balls made of recycled clowns.


Well-Known Member
Email your U.S. Representative in Congress. Ask him/her to support h.r. 2306 which would end the prohibition of marijuana