fdd2blk 2010 Outdoor Grow Thread

I say you set up cameras. Yep, 24\7 servailance! You work tooooooo hard to be "wondering" and should KNOW whos f*cking with you. Just my opinion Fdd.


Well-Known Member
slowburn's posts along with others about dogs, and motion sensors are on the dot. like i said, you could have trimmers stay and sleep in shifts, a dog(which is pretty much a motion sensor with a loud alarm), or mechanical motion detectors, cameras. Then you may still need something to ward them off, without ruining your day, by having to give a report and possibly sacrificing your garden as a crime scene or evidence(if they are brave enough to stick around). A good, strong dog normally can do this without you exerting much effort at all. Or a bat, garden tools etc., fierce cat attacks(which hurt like hell).:joint: Reserve the shotty for people trying to harm you, not your plants, not saying that you wouldnt. But i am sure that you are allowed to protect your crops, as they are your property and you have the right to defend it, if shotty is necessary then it is justified.


Well-Known Member
not once has FDD asked any of us what he should do about his intruder. you guys should lay off trying to figure it out for him and just let him handle it.

FDD lets see some more harvest photos!!


Well-Known Member
not once has FDD asked any of us what he should do about his intruder. you guys should lay off trying to figure it out for him and just let him handle it.

FDD lets see some more harvest photos!!
i love you. :hug:

i hate dogs. so demanding.

the express recently received an infraction from me and is still bitter. he felt great pleasure in seeing that i had been ripped. he laughed and and felt i "deserved it". he is the kind of friend that has caused me all this in the first place. you think they're cool, until their pussy gets hurt. then they thrive to burn you in hell. i can't tell you how many times people here have threatened to rat me out after they got themselves banned. it scary what walks among us. :shock:

i have some pretty good security set up. i will add more as i go. i feel pretty safe. they have taken less then caterpillars at this point. the only thing i'm having issues with is not feeling safe in my own yard. i can grow more pot. i'll accept my losses. but to have a prowler is just a freaky feeling.

i still haven't had time to fix my gas main. PG&E has my meter. i trimmed all day and am just sitting down to relax. i have 45 mins before dancing with the stars starts so i may go crawl under the hose to push a new piece of copper thru the side of the foundation. a hot shower sounds good.

it been in the upper 90's the last few days. everything looks great. i'm reluctant to post pics at the moment. i'm sure you all understand.

thanks to all who still show me support and respect. the rest of you get hugs. :hug:


Well-Known Member
I thought Wookies walked upright?
yeah they average 140lbs-180lbs, Wookie was tall but lanky so I bet the weight is a wash. ;) they were bred to protect flocks and land in tebet from wolves and leopards. Down side: they like to bark at night, they are stand offish to new people and with there size that scares people.
DR greenhorn: lol, yeah mine is super loving, to me. ;)

edit: its moot since the man isnt a dog guy, takes the whole thing out. good luck brother =)

p.s. ohh yeah, realy nice fuckn garden man! mucho respecto!


Well-Known Member
i think you should get a dog!! just kidding... i only say that because thats posted 4 times on every page, and quite frankly im not a dog man myself and can understand how maybe having extra protection just aint worth the costs of bedding this animal for 15 more years. now if you love dogs then i can understand but just for protective reasons, nah!!! anystrudles.... that was a mean flute solo at the end of "if 6 was 9"


Well-Known Member
i love you. :hug:

i hate dogs. so demanding.

the express recently received an infraction from me and is still bitter. he felt great pleasure in seeing that i had been ripped. he laughed and and felt i "deserved it". he is the kind of friend that has caused me all this in the first place. you think they're cool, until their pussy gets hurt. then they thrive to burn you in hell. i can't tell you how many times people here have threatened to rat me out after they got themselves banned. it scary what walks among us. :shock:

i have some pretty good security set up. i will add more as i go. i feel pretty safe. they have taken less then caterpillars at this point. the only thing i'm having issues with is not feeling safe in my own yard. i can grow more pot. i'll accept my losses. but to have a prowler is just a freaky feeling.

i still haven't had time to fix my gas main. PG&E has my meter. i trimmed all day and am just sitting down to relax. i have 45 mins before dancing with the stars starts so i may go crawl under the hose to push a new piece of copper thru the side of the foundation. a hot shower sounds good.

it been in the upper 90's the last few days. everything looks great. i'm reluctant to post pics at the moment. i'm sure you all understand.

thanks to all who still show me support and respect. the rest of you get hugs. :hug:
FDD i dont want to make it worse, however

My first ripper took 4 good larger plants from a grow room outdoors.

The next time 6 months later only got 2.

Then i moved all the operation elsewhere.

The last time was August of last year and they kicked in the door 3 of them with guns. ( this is when all my content got deleted) There was less than 2 grams here so they robbed the place, assulted my wife and stole over 7000.00 of electronics and stuff.

Over a year later we still dont feel safe.... we have alarms dogs and still feel uneasy


Well-Known Member
uh...i'd move..... if my wife was assaulted and my house door kicked in.. id kill the motherfuckers then move...

and ODB thats how i took the message from theexpress, too... like he was devilishly laughing at the karma that will catch up to the thief, and cause something valuable and treasured to be stolen from them...


Well-Known Member
I have had a whole field of plants disappear so I know where your coming from 15 plus plants @ 3-5 lbs a piece

That was a sad night, good luck on the rest of the harvest