Favorite methods of smoking... you can ALL add some input


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

So its a saterday night, I've got my baggie of weed and a movie to watch. I'm in the mood for something different. So I'm looking for some new ideas. This is how I like to smoke (in this order):

1) make it into oil and knife that
2) volcano, vaporize all the weed
3) vapour pipe, I use only hash in that
4) glass pipe - classic style
5) Gravity Bong
6) joints
7) pure hash in tin foil

So I know this is going to sound like I'm being snobby but the weed I've been getting lately is too strong. So today I bought a hash sifter (Wiker brand) and have some beutifull super fine blond hash. Tonight I wanna get really baked. Any suggestions other then what I've listed above? I have a stove, torch, volcano, vapor daddy, vapor genie, glass pipe and papers.

Whats the best way to get the most out of this hash? Any new inventive ways to smoke? This is uncompressed hash straight from the sift.

Thanks guys!!!
Thanks for your advice!


Well-Known Member
I like making a ridiculously big waterfall and taking it all in one hit.

I stick my tongue over the opening and create a seal and push the bottle down then release my tongue which releases all the smoke into my lungs in one foul swoop.

Instant brainfuck. like "i have to sit down, i cant feel my face."


New Member
All I really use are joints ( ZIGZAG FTW! ) and sometimes those Royal Blunt" brand flavored wraps.. Was thinking of buying a small water bong. Any suggestions on a ( safe ) place online to buy one?


Well-Known Member
Ended up going with a bag of vapor, followed by 6 tinfoiled hash hoots and followed those with another bag from the volcano. Did the trick.


Well-Known Member
You wanna make a water bong? All you need is a 2L pop bottle and a pen and some sort of bowl (you can use tinfoil if you must. Open the pen and cut a hole in the 2L bucket, you put the pen shell in at an angle and use tape or silly putty or whatever to make a good seal. Put a bowl on the other end of the pen, cut a lil hole in the 2L for a rush and voila. You light the bowl and suck from the top of the 2L bottle and let go when you want the rush.
Its pretty poor, but it will do in a pinch.


Well-Known Member
cut a whole in the bottom of a 20oz soda and use a hardees cup as a resevoir( i cant spell that) to get a small bad ass gravity bong but if your intent on buying one then go to a local beer and tobacco store or a flea market. or order one from the internet. i think thats too much of a hassle...