Experienced growers please..what is too hot?


Well-Known Member
You need to bring it down into the lower to mid 80's really

Maybe a bigger exhaust fan to carry out more of that hot air


Well-Known Member
My temps hovered in the mid to high 90's at the end of summer, and my plants did fine. I know that wasn't optimum, but it wasn't harmful either. Maybe it just slowed them down a little? IDK, they matured on time, and yielded nice, so I don't think the heat had too much negative effect on them.(a little, I'm sure) Try to bring it down closer to 80*, or a little under, but don't freak out if you can't. Unless one of those strains are really sensitive to heat, you'll be fine.(also, sativas do better in high heat)


Okay thank you two for the fast response. I'm in central North America time so I expected nothing until morning.


My temps hovered in the mid to high 90's at the end of summer, and my plants did fine. I know that wasn't optimum, but it wasn't harmful either. Maybe it just slowed them down a little? IDK, they matured on time, and yielded nice, so I don't think the heat had too much negative effect on them.(a little, I'm sure) Try to bring it down closer to 80*, or a little under, but don't freak out if you can't. Unless one of those strains are really sensitive to heat, you'll be fine.(also, sativas do better in high heat)
Okay and 3 at last moment.
Yeah i understand. If yours did okay then it's cool at the now, but I now know they will grow better if i get temperatures lower.
Thanks ya'll