evolutionary racism not debunked


Well-Known Member
Uncle Buck is an idiot. Good point. As long as it is properly applied.

(I kddin' justakiddin) :)

(^^^^just let me know if applying labels properly is over the line, mods)


Well-Known Member
all this modern western psychology is skewed by bias in my books.
Never even saw a jew, that i knew of, until middle school. other kids made comments about an art teacher, obviously learned in their families, behind his back. I had no frame of reference: did not know what a 'kike' was. looking back, i realize that he did have 'typical' polish/russian/ukrainian jewish facial features. Met many jews later in life. Many had parents and grans who had survived the holocaust. found all of them to be nice, law-abiding people with high levels of anxiety. wonder why?

i prefer to believe we are all free to make up our own mind and decide. I don't believe in genetic/evolutionary programming. yes, it is a factor but does not determine everything. ultimately, we decide: our cultural/famililal baggage is just that

from an evolutionary biology standpoint our species should be driven to procreate with the 'other' not hate them as we are so damned bottlenecked to begin with (from around 100k years ago). in a sense then, bigotry is an evolutionary disadvantage.

i have to stop now. i'm getting confused and the room is spinning...............


Well-Known Member
i do know one thing. i am a pale skin and i am absolutely smitten by women who are dark-skinned. it is mutual: italian/greek/middle-eastern/bengali/hindi/you name it. they groove off me and i them. i have never wanted a white women the way i wanted a dark skinned women. perhaps i am a reverse racist. perhaps i am seeking that feeling from my frist kiss (her dad was an engineer and spike urdu; she was absolutely gorgeous). perhaps i am more at home with their cultures than my own (they are often cultural more advanced).

i spent the first year of high school ignoring the teacher and telling jokes to a girl i deliberately sat in front of just to watch her boobs bounce. she was dark and i wanted her badly. in grade ten they separated us. bastards!! good times

forgive me. i'm old and my minds wander.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think it is a mixed bag.

If a child grows up in a very mixed society that is socially equal, they are less likely to exhibit bigotry as an adult.

If a child grows up in a very homogeneous society, they will likely exhibit same race preferences.

If a child grows up in a mixed and stratified society, they are likely to want to continue the stratification.

But there also has to be some natural element to it that can either be overcome or cultivated into bigotry.

Unlike some would have you believe, I am not bigoted, I simply believe there are different characteristics between the races beyond physical appearance. I make no racial judgments on an individual's worth, and i would challenge anyone to prove otherwise with my words.

I think preference for ones on society is the norm and natural.

Hatred is learned. Preference for ones own is ingrained. It can be overcome. One way to naturally overcome it is to grow up in a equal mixed society. In such a society one does not necessarily see his own skin color or whatever as definitive of who they are.

@Doer, I did mean can't


Well-Known Member
think preference for ones on society is the norm and natural.

Hatred is learned. Preference for ones own is ingrained.
your evolutionary racism theory has been debunked, over and over and over again.

stop trying and embrace the relapse.

try meth this time, ya might lose some of that extra weight you're toting.


Well-Known Member
Personally, I think it is a mixed bag.

If a child grows up in a very mixed society that is socially equal, they are less likely to exhibit bigotry as an adult.

If a child grows up in a very homogeneous society, they will likely exhibit same race preferences.

If a child grows up in a mixed and stratified society, they are likely to want to continue the stratification.

But there also has to be some natural element to it that can either be overcome or cultivated into bigotry.

Unlike some would have you believe, I am not bigoted, I simply believe there are different characteristics between the races beyond physical appearance. I make no racial judgments on an individual's worth, and i would challenge anyone to prove otherwise with my words.

I think preference for ones on society is the norm and natural.

Hatred is learned. Preference for ones own is ingrained. It can be overcome. One way to naturally overcome it is to grow up in a equal mixed society. In such a society one does not necessarily see his own skin color or whatever as definitive of who they are.

@Doer, I did mean can't
i believe that what people don't like is cultural. wherever caribbean people go the jamaicans are pariahs. they have a justifiably horrid reputation (cultural). However, it is the 'ghettoized' jamaicans from the big-city who are the trouble makers. never met a jamaican from a rural parish who wasn';t a nice person. among whites i am repelled by some white peoples bigotry which is sub-cultural imho. I don't have a lot of answers just observations. i do know that i've had black people in the southern states defer to me and they are shocked when i refuse to be treated that way and treat them with respect. I believer it is almost always cultural. Having said that, there are black women i could not be with and not because they are black: it's a smell/pheromone thing or something.


Well-Known Member
your evolutionary racism theory has been debunked, over and over and over again.

stop trying and embrace the relapse.

try meth this time, ya might lose some of that extra weight you're toting.
I've tried meth, not a fan.

Nothing is debunked. You certainly have not debunked it.

There are studies that tilt either way.

We will never know.

The only study you could preform to figure it out would be unethical.


Well-Known Member
I've tried meth, not a fan.

Nothing is debunked. You certainly have not debunked it.

There are studies that tilt either way.

We will never know.

The only study you could preform to figure it out would be unethical.
------when you see studs with tight jeans pass you on the street

who wears short shorts
You wear short shorts

you're so full of shit why don't you admit you don't have the balls to be a queer-------

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Did you mean can't in that last sentence?

I don't see much use from the these baby studies, except what we already know.

It is not that we are all born calm, trusting, and knowing the differnece of anything.

It is simply that even a worm will turn from pain. ( an expression from management. :) )

It is just that babies prefer simple and nice, no strife, no compettiion, etc is more simple on a baby no-mind.

It doesn't mean babies are not born bad, or anything like that.
What you're insinuating is being childish is bad according to society. Those that never grow up are racist? This is like a Zen meets western religion. You're born bad "of sin" and you work at cultivating the bad chi to obtain karma, but how do you detect the good and bad chi to have a balanced karma? Do you select chi based upon good, bad, and strange spins? That gets all Deepak, huh?


Well-Known Member
What you're insinuating is being childish is bad according to society. Those that never grow up are racist? This is like a Zen meets western religion. You're born bad "of sin" and you work at cultivating the bad chi to obtain karma, but how do you detect the good and bad chi to have a balanced karma? Do you select chi based upon good, bad, and strange spins? That gets all Deepak, huh?


Well-Known Member
then show me the study that finds that day old babies are racist.
One day old babies don't comprehend that concept.

They think obesity, addiction, diabeties, and many other things are genetic and inborn. But one day old babies don't have such things.

Show me a one day old baby that can tell you what it is thinking and your metric will have some validity.


Well-Known Member
------when you see studs with tight jeans pass you on the street

who wears short shorts
You wear short shorts

you're so full of shit why don't you admit you don't have the balls to be a queer-------
I don't get turned on at the sight of men. Women I do.

I've admitted to sucking a cock, yet I don't have the balls to admit something?


Well-Known Member
One day old babies don't comprehend that concept.

Overall the results obtained in Experiment 1 suggest that at birth, newborns display no spontaneous preferences for faces from own- or other-ethnic groups. Although null results can be difficult to interpret, it is unlikely that these results are due to an inability to differentiate between faces from different ethnic groups, given that newborns discriminate between faces from within their own ethnic group (Pascalis & de Schonen, 1994). The most likely account is that newborns are able to discriminate between faces from different ethnic groups, but no group elicits a greater attraction.