Every pot smoker must read this! Please!


Well-Known Member
Decriminalize Marijuana and Hemp is the last in line for votes.... That's weird, it's basically the same idea.


Well-Known Member
here ya go Maryjane...jsut to back myself up....lol

Originally Posted by T.H.Cammo
I was just on thier web-site, signing up, when I came to the part where they wanted my e-mail password. WHY DO THEY WANT MY E-MAIL PASSWORD? Isn't that like giving someone your credit card number? I mean, that would give them full access to my e-mail, right? I don't want my e-mail to be made public to anyone - especially the Feds.

Thank you, but there must be another way!
Well when you posted about it, you quoted myself not this quote.

So maybe you should have quoted this in the first place and not myself...

ohh... and here ya go cap... just to back myself up lol

this is to funny,....are you guys super stoned....lol....when they ask you for the password....they mean a password to gain membership of their site....lol......you can use any words or numbers.....not your email address password.....lol....


Well-Known Member
from what i saw on the site, they answered the ? about legalizing weed.. obamas people have no intent to legalize marijuana.. at least that was their answer.. no details or explanation, just nope not gonna happen :(


Well-Known Member
Got a link mate so I can have a read?
“Will you consider legalizing cannabis/marijuana/hemp so that the government can regulate it, tax it, put age limits on it, and create millions of new jobs and create a multi-billion dollar industry right here in the U.S.?”—DJ C, Chicago, IL
Open for Questions Response, 12/15/08: “President-elect Obama is not in favor of the legalization of marijuana.”


shortest response out of all the questions too.. at least he still hasn't chosen a drug czar yet.. there is still some hope maybe :(