Ever called out when buying supplies?


Well-Known Member
If you weren't up to something you wouldn't have any idea what she was trying to get at anyway. Complete ignorance is the only way to go. Just be like, shit I wish crack rocks grew on trees.


Active Member
just point to your ears and then throw up some gang signs like your def
Wow next time I go to Home Depot I'm going to buy some really sketchy things just so I can do this. I don't know about your local stores but mine has a seperate section of funnels right next to the tubing along with valves and clamps, It's basically a beer bong section(it's great).

The best way to buy supplies if your buying alot of things all at once is to bring a freind or grow partner and split the list so that everything wont look so obvious. But like some of you have said before, WHO REALLY GIVES A FUCK!!!:peace: out and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Actually this original experience of mine has made life fun post event.

Whenever someone I am with buys 2 things that should be bought together I bust this line out on them.

WAIT A SECOND? You're buying a DVD player AND DVDs? I know what you're up to.


Well-Known Member
if i ever got asked whats the soil for i'd prob just say something like "the bitches hand sticks out of the ground and i dont wanna dig a bigger hole"


Well-Known Member
This reminds me of when i bought the PVC piping to build my oil extractor.... 2 end caps and a length of pipe, kinda looks like a pipe bomb to some people. I remember the lady looking at me funny and then asking me for my phone number in case I wanted to return the shit.... LOL ya right. Ive never been asked for my number when buying hardware at the store.... Im pretty sure with the high risk of terrorism theyre supposed to keep track of suspicious purchases.


Well-Known Member
I agree, but with the amount of fear they shove down everyone's throat, it would be a debate... I probly shoulda worded that differently but oh well. ;)

How about: "given the high government induced and feed paranoia about terrorism."

Down here anyways. Maybe you guys do have a high risk, disgruntled Eskimos or whatever you got going on up there.


Well-Known Member
Frog eating Frenchies is whut my Granny called em...they will eat anything. I would not send 3 hippies in to buy dope growing supplies all at once. Yall need to watch CSI mo often.

Big Wheel


Well-Known Member
The fact of the matter is that it is absolutely none of her business, so you should have told her to "cram it with walnuts ugly."


Well-Known Member
I am in HD and Lowes almost everyday for work. I am a contractor...so when I walk in there I already have a look of, I fucking hate you if you work here don't talk to me, all over my face. Seriously...everyone that works there is an idiot makin shit money. They just wanna get out of there...go home...and get high. lol. I do have to say though....I have had two conversations with hot girls go very well while buying stuff for my girls....so sometimes it's all in your favor. One thing i recommend....research your shit before you go to the store so you don't have to ask questions...not because it's not safe to ask questions...but if you think they know, you be wrong...second if you are just there buying something and then leaving....and they happen to say something....I agree with Fdd....tell em you are growing some big ass trees!


Well-Known Member
hell yea ive been ask a question at once and it started in a good conversation it just so happen to be he knew a lil about growing and he worked there so he help me out on sum nutes


Well-Known Member
Of course you won't get GOOD advice from them, I was at Home Despot today and wanted some " Wilsons Transplanter" a mixture of nutes and rooting hormone. They were sold out, so I asked the garden supply lady if they had an equivalent product. She tried to sell me Miracle Grow!! Not the same thing at all,I finally found the rooting gel on my own,no thanks to her. Her advice was worse than useless it was actively wrong!


Well-Known Member
This is true at pretty much every retailer. It's a lame job people the work in retail for the most part hate their job or are too delusional to realize it. Trust me I know from experience. I think if more people got high they would realize how much they really hated their jobs and follow their hearts. So I agree I don't bother them I just do my own research.


Well-Known Member
This is true at pretty much every retailer. It's a lame job people the work in retail for the most part hate their job or are too delusional to realize it. Trust me I know from experience. I think if more people got high they would realize how much they really hated their jobs and follow their hearts. So I agree I don't bother them I just do my own research.
Exactly. It was different world before the internet when research was reading a copy of Consumer Reports down at the library and even then you basically had to trust the retards otherwise. These damn kids today don't know how hard the world was before the internet, lol.


Well-Known Member
If they ever ask me I just say, "why does it matter?"

Is it really any of their business? I would never pull that shit if I worked at Lowes or some where like that.