Espoma Soil Acidifier Questions


Active Member
I was wondering if anyone had used this. I have a few plants in soil this time around and need to get that pH down. I followed the directions on the bag, by evenly distributing 1 tbps of acidifier per 4" of diameter in the pot (using 3 gallon pots) then watered. Anyways...I was wondering how long this type of stuff takes to work, and how do I know when/if I should add more?

Right now I'm just sitting back and letting this stuff do its thing.

Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Wanted to update this thread with the results. This stuff (Espoma Soil Acidifier) is crap. Use something else to lower your soil pH.


The directions on that bag suck I decided to look online
and found that its best to mix it in with the soil instead of just
sprinkling it on top.
I jus bought some today n was looking for reviews... Pretty cheap I sprinkled some on top for more of a long term solution n I was out 2 1/2 tsp in a gallon of distiller water.. The directions were vague so I figured mixing straight with water will get to roots alot faster