Enviro Light


Well-Known Member
No they dont but if you can get some co2 in a can then go for it but i know alot of people know dont use anything but fans


Well-Known Member
king mate go out and buy some fizzy water like tonic water or some shit you're plants will love it trust


Well-Known Member
onetime man can you help me please bro i never had anything like this before tiny tiny little brown spots on a leaf but i know 4 sure it aint bugs any ideas bro?


Well-Known Member
Yh your giving it too much food (FOOD & NUTES) the leafs are burning off to much food man you need to run water though and out the pot ... or not give it any nutes and only water for a week


Well-Known Member
lmao and i jus seen some post about feeding plants milk lmfao i nearly started crying lol was funny as


Well-Known Member
i just water the roots with water and spray the seaweed shit on the leafs every 14 days u sure i could be that....?