entire crop lost!!


ok...here goes..
2 weeks to harvest and low and behold...one of three ladies is a Hermi.
Yup...noticed a shit load of seeds. I found a single pollen sack and it was popped opened.
I'm so pissed and sad at the same time.
BUT...I was checking out my main lady and yes the bottom buds going up to about 3/4 of the way up were completely covered in seeds but the main colas only has a few seed pods. Now...and this is where I need advise...
What if I removed all of the major seed clusters and the left the main tops on that hardly has any seeds and trust me...she's covered in crystals...do you think this would stop the plant from concentrating on the production of the seeds and continue with the tops??
The wierd thing is as I mentioned...I had 3 ladies in bloom and "one" of them did not get pollinated. I went through the entire plant to see if I can find any seeds (or pollen sacks) but I found none. That's wierd because my room is only 4X4X8. Ya figure they would all get smacked with pollen. Anyways...please let me know if this would or could work. I need to salvage and make back what I've lost out so far.

Yes? No?...Anyone??


Active Member
There's only one way to find out. Either way your crop is dead. I don't know for sure if you can save it in that situation though so I would probably just try it and hope for the best. That's all you can do in this situation.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Finish it, smoke it, and toss the seeds. Even though it was seeded it should still have some potency in it. Maybe not as much if seedless, but salvage it anyway. You invested to much time and $ to just throw it out. If you buy a bag and find seeds in it, do you throw it away or smoke it anyway?


Well-Known Member
the crop isn't finished....cure it and smoke it before you jump to any conclusions...
at least it isn't moldy...

yeah, it COULD have be more potent....but so could most grows...lolz


Sorry for your situation. When was the last time you looked at the girls? Did it grow from feminized seed?
I look at them every day when they wake up. They're covered in seeds And no...not feminized...got them from some Joe Shmoe....my own fault! and yes...all ruined.


Active Member
Yeah you could re-use the seeds as above posters have said that's a good idea. In your situation there's not a whole lot you can do though. All you can do is try and salvage what's left and start over. Obviously you aren't going to be able to have perfect bud because your operation got abruptly stopped due to the hermy.

Still sucks though! All you can say is you are getting ready to officially start growing from your OWN seeds. :)

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Ah, not from feminized seed. If it was a missed male that got you, indeed do keep the seeds. If you have a no shit hermi though, that trait will exist in the seeds. If that is the case I would not use them. If that male plant is 100% male, keep them. If it is indeed part male and female, you will have a repeat using those seeds.


Active Member
It is a bummer but what is happening is the flower(bud) is going to start dying because it was pollenated and grew seeds.

Plz dont use the seeds.