Endangered Animals, Should Humans Intervene?

Should humans intervene when an animal starts going extinct?

  • No, even though human activities are responsible for its possible extinction

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Well-Known Member
I just went and dug out the old bike log. August 8th, 2003. I saw that bridge soon after stopping i at a nearby Wal-Mart for provisions and porcelain. Day started in Nipigon (Gravel River Inn, a very very cool place with delightful signposts) and ended in Espanola, my last stop before my first major destination, friends living south of Ottawa. Only put 499 miles onto the clock that day.

Two days prior I had a bit of a moment with the Canadian border guard. cn
What are we riding these days?

Loves me some 2 wheeled machines.


Well-Known Member
I have to go no on this one. Survival of the fittest. The strong and ones who can adapt to the changing environment survive while the weak do not. That is how species maintain a strong gene pool with the weak being removed from it. I have free range chicken and ducks. Owles and hawks sometimes snatch one, thus reducing the flock population of the chickens and ducks that I have. Should I intervene and kill all the owls and hawks I see to prevent my flock from becoming extinct? Of course not, they are doing what they naturally do, and so are the chicken and ducks. That is how nature works.
If humans were around during the dinosaur age, and figured out how to protect them from going extinct, would we really want them loose today? We have tinkered with trying to help one species and it mostly results in the harm to another. In areas, wolves were threatened and humans intervened. Now some of those area are over populated with them and they destroyed other species by eating them because that is what wolves do.
Survival of the fittest? I used to be a chef so every now and then we would make somthing twice and id eat it. Chilean sea bass tastes amazing. Its too bad that theyre nearing extinction, same as the blue fin tuna that tastes sooo damn good raw as fuck. It doesnt really matter how fit that damn fish is, were going to kill it and eat it. We will even kill whales for food. Are they just to slow to survive?
I have no problem eating any and all of the creatures on this great earth, even their babies. Babies always taste better. I do however have a problem with people wiping out an entire spicies for profit. When my children are older i would like for them to be able to eat chilean sea bass and blue fin along with all of the other animals out there.
Just got back from the grocery store a couple minutes ago, there was a big pile of fresh sea bass that i salavated over but then moved on to the beef. I picked up a big ol beef heart because it looked so fresh and good. I eat all parts of the animal that theyll sell me. Even the brain. Got pictures of that too. Panko crusted on fetuccini alfredo with capers and lemon. I eat this way because its sustainable farming. I think the grocery store is the front line for the average consumer when it comes to eco awareness. Id rather pay 20 bucks a pound for some nice cheese than endangered fish anyday.
I had chickens too, nothing ever ate mine because i put up netting over where they used to roam. We had hawks and raccoons around that wanted to eat them, even dogs. I couldnt just see myself saying, "oh well, they should just be smarter or faster than that raccoon in the backyard chasing them around". No way, i chucked my ashtray at that bastard from the back porch and chased him off. You figure that a polar bear should be able to eat your children cause its higher on the food chain?(sorry cn)
Biodiversity is important to every aspect of human life. Doesnt really matter if you belive it or not. If all the slow ass fish in the ocean die cause theyre slow and dumb and slow, and cant protect themseves, then we just got a fish bowl with no fish. No fish = no ocean, no ocean = no life on earth. Its all connected in one way or another, i really hope this sinks in for you because if everyone thought like you life on earth would go the way of the dodo bird. You are entitled to your own opinion though.:razz:


Well-Known Member
animal habitates are destroyed by humans way to often and we never realize those are need fort our air and to keep things running so we dont pass out from Co2 poisoning


New Member
Chickens and ducks aren't endangered tho and just because humans are greedy doesn't mean we shouldn't care, we are the most intelligent animals after all, if nobody cared and not farm animals, we'd prolly be canibals by now.


New Member
Bah, just saw I forgot to quote, and too lazy to look back, well the person should know it was meant for lol.


Ursus marijanus
Survival of the fittest? I used to be a chef so every now and then we would make somthing twice and id eat it. Chilean sea bass tastes amazing. Its too bad that theyre nearing extinction, same as the blue fin tuna that tastes sooo damn good raw as fuck. It doesnt really matter how fit that damn fish is, were going to kill it and eat it. We will even kill whales for food. Are they just to slow to survive?
I have no problem eating any and all of the creatures on this great earth, even their babies. Babies always taste better. I do however have a problem with people wiping out an entire spicies for profit. When my children are older i would like for them to be able to eat chilean sea bass and blue fin along with all of the other animals out there.
Just got back from the grocery store a couple minutes ago, there was a big pile of fresh sea bass that i salavated over but then moved on to the beef. I picked up a big ol beef heart because it looked so fresh and good. I eat all parts of the animal that theyll sell me. Even the brain. Got pictures of that too. Panko crusted on fetuccini alfredo with capers and lemon. I eat this way because its sustainable farming. I think the grocery store is the front line for the average consumer when it comes to eco awareness. Id rather pay 20 bucks a pound for some nice cheese than endangered fish anyday.
I had chickens too, nothing ever ate mine because i put up netting over where they used to roam. We had hawks and raccoons around that wanted to eat them, even dogs. I couldnt just see myself saying, "oh well, they should just be smarter or faster than that raccoon in the backyard chasing them around". No way, i chucked my ashtray at that bastard from the back porch and chased him off. You figure that a polar bear should be able to eat your children cause its higher on the food chain?(sorry cn)
Biodiversity is important to every aspect of human life. Doesnt really matter if you belive it or not. If all the slow ass fish in the ocean die cause theyre slow and dumb and slow, and cant protect themseves, then we just got a fish bowl with no fish. No fish = no ocean, no ocean = no life on earth. Its all connected in one way or another, i really hope this sinks in for you because if everyone thought like you life on earth would go the way of the dodo bird. You are entitled to your own opinion though.:razz:
lol. As polar bears are cannibals as well as apex predators, they'll eat something occupying the same spot in the food chain. The only highers are killer whales ... and those funny little bipeds with the inedible husks and the noisy sticks. :mrgreen: No offense taken because none offered imo. cn



Ursus marijanus
And to redeem my slight threadjack, i vote Yes but for a reason different than the ones given. Imo every species is a proven combination of survival traits. the more we preserve, the bigger our library of biomods that work. If we don't preserve at least the species blueprints, we throw away the opportunity to improve our own breed from a ready library, and to repopulate an ecosystem once it's restored. cn


Well-Known Member
And to redeem my slight threadjack, i vote Yes but for a reason different than the ones given. Imo every species is a proven combination of survival traits. the more we preserve, the bigger our library of biomods that work. If we don't preserve at least the species blueprints, we throw away the opportunity to improve our own breed from a ready library, and to repopulate an ecosystem once it's restored. cn
Or we could just get some guy to build an ark.
Animals have been evolving survival skills for much longer than we have had the technology to wipe them and ourselves out. Just because we can do somthing doesnt mean we always should. We have left animalistic behaviors behind in favor of morals and values.....well most of us have.;)


Ursus marijanus
Or we could just get some guy to build an ark.
Animals have been evolving survival skills for much longer than we have had the technology to wipe them and ourselves out. Just because we can do somthing doesnt mean we always should. We have left animalistic behaviors behind in favor of morals and values.....well most of us have.;)
I propose otoh that our morals and values are a direct extension of our particular animal natures. cn


Well-Known Member
I propose otoh that our morals and values are a direct extension of our particular animal natures. cn
Self preservation, sexual instincts, hunting, protection, dominance, oh ya, definitly. Weve learned through experience to reign them in to an acceptable median. Id say even if you belived that being the dominant species grants you the right to extinguish an animals existance from this planet your self preservation instinct should still tell you that when there gone, there will be none of that to eat anymore and youll die lol


Ursus marijanus
Self preservation, sexual instincts, hunting, protection, dominance, oh ya, definitly. Weve learned through experience to reign them in to an acceptable median. Id say even if you belived that being the dominant species grants you the right to extinguish an animals existance from this planet your self preservation instinct should still tell you that when there gone, there will be none of that to eat anymore and youll die lol
Unfortunately that self-preservation instinct doesn't always work well in an unwild setting. Easter Island stands as a salient example of the "tragedy of the commons". The islanders deforested themselves into decadence and near extinction. cn


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately that self-preservation instinct doesn't always work well in an unwild setting. Easter Island stands as a salient example of the "tragedy of the commons". The islanders deforested themselves into decadence and near extinction. cn
Silly islanders. Well we can only hope to learn from out mistakes and not make them again. It seems like it takes the human race forever to see the error of their ways. Good poll BTW.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
I don't know if preserving an animal just for the sake of preserving it is necessary since some species will die off without human intervention because they aren't efficient enough or can't adapt, but when it comes to habitat loss the least we could do is protect them from extinction. We should definitely protect them from poachers and over hunting by humans.


Well-Known Member
welcome to garden river ontario i live in canada near many native reserves. first and foremost let me say i am not racist, but the way the natives act is in no means a wonder to the earth. the reserves are littered with trash, beer cans, forest fires, they have low income houses spread all over the land, they fish hunt,and most of all beat the shit out of any white person that goes onto their land. they have little to no respect for the earth thats there.

IMHO! - if you want a reserve, dont let anyone live on it let it be complete forest. but thats just how i think since they fought so hard for land, but what they really wanted was somewhere ot live for free , View attachment 2460527View attachment 2460528View attachment 2460529View attachment 2460530

and believe me these are the nicest photos of native reserves. like i said native culture is really amazing infact i even spent an entire year learning how to speak Ojibwe, which is extremely popular in ontario where I live. However they certainly have lost their "roots"
Sunni your opening up a whole new can of worms with this. I lived in canada for many years and i agree with you in respect that reservations are terrible places to grow up but this is mostly because theyve been made to live segregated in these reserves which are total shit holes. They lack so many of the things we take for granted and are over run with alcohlisim and hard drugs. Government money seems to fall short of making its way into upkeep of the reserves and as we know the first sign of a failing neighbourhood is diminishing property mantinence. When you grow up in surroundings like these you just think that this is the normal way of living and it just turns into a downward spiral. I agree that reserves arent perfect but your taxes put them there and they pay for the burden that the government created. Im not calling you a racist by any means, i just wanted to shine some light on the other side of the story.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if preserving an animal just for the sake of preserving it is necessary since some species will die off without human intervention because they aren't efficient enough or can't adapt, but when it comes to habitat loss the least we could do is protect them from extinction. We should definitely protect them from poachers and over hunting by humans.
Most species of animals just evolve naturally over thousands of years, most dont just become extinct, or atleast at the speed that humans are forcing their extinction. Dinosaurs arent extinct. They are all around us, they just evolved into birds and other creatures like scorpions, fish, and other stuff....naturally.


New Member
T rexes and all that are still extinct, no matter how you say it, the real actual stereotypical dinosaurs are extinct.


Well-Known Member
T rexes and all that are still extinct, no matter how you say it, the real actual stereotypical dinosaurs are extinct.
But we have birds today because T rexes (lol) didnt get wiped out to extinction by humans. Do you see where i was going with this. Lol i just googled dinosaur and it turns out that watching all those dinosaur movies with my son has paid off.
Its hard to say with absolute certainty but all of the animals that humans have exterminated over the years sadly would have probaby evolved into some other animal eventually. :/


New Member
Not saying anything about evolution tho, yes birds and all that are dinosaurs but the actual original ones are extinct. The ones we have exterminated would've evolved a long time before we did, evolouation takes thousands, millions of years and we are capable of wiping a species our within 50-100 years, evolution is different from extinction.