Egomania run amok!


New Member
Edwards backs mandatory preventive care

By AMY LORENTZEN, Associated Press WriterSun Sep 2, 6:30 PM ET

Democratic presidential hopeful John Edwards said on Sunday that his universal health care proposal would require that Americans go to the doctor for preventive care.

"It requires that everybody be covered. It requires that everybody get preventive care," he told a crowd sitting in lawn chairs in front of the Cedar County Courthouse. "If you are going to be in the system, you can't choose not to go to the doctor for 20 years. You must to go in and be checked and make sure that you are OK."

He noted, for example, that women would be required to have regular mammograms in an effort to find and treat "the first trace of problem." Edwards and his wife, Elizabeth, announced earlier this year that her breast cancer had returned and spread.

Edwards said his mandatory health care plan would cover preventive, chronic and long-term health care. The plan would include mental health care as well as dental and vision coverage for all Americans.

"The whole idea is a continuum of care, basically from birth to death," he said.

The former North Carolina senator said all presidential candidates talking about health care "ought to be asked one question: Does your plan cover every single American?"

"Because if it doesn't they should be made to explain what child, what woman, what man in America is not worthy of health care," he said. "Because in my view, everybody is worth health care."

Edwards said his plan would cost up to $120 billion a year, a cost he proposes covering by ending President Bush's tax cuts to people who make more than $200,000 per year.

Edwards, who has been criticized by some for calling on Americans to be willing to give up their SUVs while driving one, acknowledged Sunday that he owns a Ford Escape hybrid SUV, purchased within the year, and a Chrysler Pacificia, which he said he has had for years.

"I think all of us have to move, have to make progress," he said. "I'm not holyier-than-thou about this. ... I'm like a lot of Americans, I see how serious this issue is and I want to address it myself and I want to help lead the nation in the right direction."

He said he would not buy another SUV in the future.

The Ford Escape, the first hybrid SUV on the market, gets an estimated 36 mpg in the city and 31 mpg on the highway.


Well-Known Member
All right, lets save money both ways, take away the tax cuts and dont make healthcare mandatory, this system would work great...


Well-Known Member
or, let's keep the tax cuts, make more tax cuts and shrink the government down to something rational. :)



New Member
Yes, cut taxes more ... like right to the bone and starve the federal government right back into the cage the Constitution forms for them.



Well-Known Member
Oh yeah, I am with you guys, lets start with our biggest expenses, the industrial military complex and the war in Iraq.


Well-Known Member
cut it off!

end the DHS, Dept. of Education, IRS, Fed Reserve, DEA, Dept. of Commerce and the FAA while you're at it.



Well-Known Member
oh, that's just for starters krime!

it would be much simpler to state what i believe the federal government should consist of because that is a very short list. :)



New Member
oh, that's just for starters krime!

it would be much simpler to state what i believe the federal government should consist of because that is a very short list. :)

Like the army and navy, marines and air force, and cops to protect your money. Let the poor people eat shit. Let poor people have nothing, no medical care, no food, no housing, just leave the wannabees alone and let them amass tons of money. Leave all the millions of un-protected poor to suck off charity and then watch as the rich say "fuck the poor" and greed out just as they do now. Sick. No compassion for your fellow man, just let me get rich, greed personafied. 7X you amaze me with your crass selfishness. Without government there would be anarchy and all us poor folks would come and kill your asses, so you best not be gettin rid of your protectors.


Well-Known Member
yeah, you have me figured out med, i'm a rich greedy wacko, or i'm a wannabe... that's how simple your world might be but it's not reality.



New Member
yeah, you have me figured out med, i'm a rich greedy wacko, or i'm a wannabe... that's how simple your world might be but it's not reality.

It's so nice to see you come to your senses and admit your true agenda. When you get to the top over all those dead bodies, stop and take a long hard look in the mirror, if you have the slightest hint of a conscience, you'll probably barf,~LOL~. Hey, you call me a commie socialist whacko, so na-na-na-na-na-na.