Eff you RIU.org...


Well-Known Member
Ok, so, lemme ask you, as a person who's got a few brain cells to rub together.. do you NOT find yourself saying, "DUDE! You should not be smokin' weed." :lol:

On one hand I hate to say it, but on the other I don't. I have this "thing" about drug use, it's supposed to be done with responsibility. Rather like everything else one endeavors upon in life, ya know? So, sometimes I read some shit here and it just BLOWS me away. Of course, we have a couple of friends who cannot fathom how I can smoke, then debate. My favorite thing to do is smile, knowingly, and simply say, "I've been at it a long, long time." Which doesn't go over with these two very well, they're both better than 10 years my senior and both have degrees... but there you have it. Me on whiskey. :lol: (It hasn't quite kicked in yet. I'd FAR rather have some kind bud, too... :( )
Hey if you ever make it back onto this forum, say hi! It's been a minute by now...


Well-Known Member
RIU is great for the most part. I come from the LED section & am not allowed to post anymore. I've been a big contributors of the truth over there. There's a bunch of guys there that seem like they work for an LED light company as they lie about facts all the time towards the Interest of that company.
They do not even grow but talk allot of crap. They call people names & Bully them. I stood up for myself & others & was kicked off. I think RIU is not fair at all. I called these people out publicly about not being growers or even wanting to learn to be but go around misinterpreting science to get others to believe their crap. I became very upset at how they said their lies with such authority when they cannot in any way relate them to growing cuz they never grew anything at all. It very frustrating when I & others are trying to learn & teach or express our opinions.
I will say though, I do apologize to RIU if I seemed a little unhinged when I got mad. The moderator defended the fake grower over me when I've been contributing to the facts for about 6 months at least. Many people like what I have to say & appreciate my knowledge.
I think RIU should have a screening process to eliminate these hired harassers from the site. Hopefully I will be allowed to contribute to the facts again soon, otherwise many are at a serious loss having to deal with these harassers & be called names & bullied every time they pint out a fact that contradicts the Bologny these fakers push for their boss. They parrot misinformation. Like its facts.
I will not deal with it & will simply ignore them next time & focus on my journal. All other threads are severely tainted by these fake growers whom say they grow, build lights, ect.... But simply haven't a clue all the while telling me I'm an idiot when I'm one of the biggest growers there. Practically pro.
gotta keep your fishtank clean man.
don't let passing people shit in it.
the ignore feature is BRILLIANT.
wish I had one for the real world.


Well-Known Member
You don't you get put on slow mode after being told to stop name calling and than you go flipping out on the forum spamming random threads freakjng out on people

You know same shit different user someone who just can't calm down and follow the rules and now they're salty
lol name calling.. i have never ever not once ever seen that happen here. im glad we are civilized over here in toke and talk


Well-Known Member
You were told to stop
You didn't

Did you think we were just going To let you go on and on and not stop ?

This is what we do to users so they "get the message" that we really meant it when we told you to stop the first time
The hammer has dropped


Well-Known Member
"QFT" and another spot on meme were too much reality huh :lol: It's just slapstick comical how the butthurt regime here pretends to oppose trump yet so clearly are on the same morally corrupt frequency. Censor that idiots...

Poor dude. He thought the LED section was rough.
Actually it's the led section that is full with trash talking idiots who cry for mods when you started treating them like they act. If namecalling the should lead to slomo most of the most active members and advertisers would be on slomo. The hypocrisy from the regime here is just laughable.


Well-Known Member
Ha! Nice jokes! Glad I could give you guys a laugh. Just able to reply now.
When writing those messages, red flags kept popping up & weird stuff. Averytine I tried it didn't work, so honestly I didn't think I could even post that. Saw this thread through Google, not RIU as I couldn't use it. So, Kindve more like writing to myself, ha!
Anyway, no, I didn't mean I'm pro! lol! Not at all. But, When guys that don't even grow anything are saying the dumbest shit with authority. Kindve makes me feel like a pro! LMAO!
Didn't mean to go there. That's nowhere near the point of any of that.
I just had no idea what was going on? Nobody told me I was shut down. Hey, this is the first action this thread had seen since "08". For obvious reasons I cannot contribute to an opinion about RIU in any negative form (if that's what this thread is about? Actually it's not but the name threw it off) I will say, I enjoy doing my journal & I've met some real cool people here. Learned a wicked lot too about LED lights & growing.
"QFT" and another spot on meme were too much reality huh :lol: It's just slapstick comical how the butthurt regime here pretends to oppose trump yet so clearly are on the same morally corrupt frequency. Censor that idiots...

Actually it's the led section that is full with trash talking idiots who cry for mods when you started treating them like they act. If namecalling the should lead to slomo most of the most active members and advertisers would be on slomo. The hypocrisy from the regime here is just laughable.
I can only imagine the BS being said about me by the NG's (non-growers). Did see one post from you though, thanks bro!
I'll be chilling out. Lots of good people there though, it's just those guys ruin it.