EASY way to eat weed

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I posted this in the cooking section but figured I'd spread some knowledge here too..

Okay so after hearing before about the firecrackers in the microwave thing I decided to try my own slightly different way since I didn't trust a microwave to work. Here's a little guide of how to do it:

1) Get yourself some organic peanut butter. Regular peanut butter has all kinds of different fats and not as much as peanut butter. The more fat the better since THC is fat soluble. You can also use nutella. It's almond chocolate stuff and tastes great but has slightly less fat so use a little more.

2) Get something that's safe to put in the oven and dump enough peanut butter in there for a sandwhich. I wouldn't use less (with the same amount of weed) because I don't think there will be enough fat molecules to absorb the THC quick enough and also it will taste like an asshole.

3) Grind up some bud. Coffee grinders work well. You want it as fine as possible because you'll be eating it in the peanut butter. Use however much you want but I'd suggest a gram at least.

4) Mix in the ground up herb, put tin foil over the bowl or whatever you're using and put it in the PRE-HEATED oven at 400 degrees and stick it in there for at least ten minutes. I did mine for 20-25 but used a lot of peanut butter.

5) After it cools a little put it on a sandwhich with some jelly.

6) Have fun :blsmoke:

***And for those who care, there is no smell! Well, it smells like peanut butter :blsmoke:

mr j2

Well-Known Member
eatin' some leftovers right now with crackers :hump: and I had some at 8:30 and 11:30. I've had a nice buzz goin' all day :mrgreen:

mr j2

Well-Known Member

1) Let the peanut butter cool because a lot of warm peanut butter, weed, and jelly makes your stomach hurt.

2) Use as much peanut butter as you can eat without feeling sick. That way the peanut butter won't just taste like weed since the ratio of weed to peanut butter will be bigger.

3) Make sure you don't over do it !

mr j2

Well-Known Member
do you get just as caned as the same amount in a spliff?
If you've never eaten it, it's a different high. It's more of a body/stoney high, lasts longer, and comes on way slower. I'm not sure since all the other times I did it we smoked too but today I did it with leftover peanut butter and got high..but I don't know how much weed was in it

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Yeah it won't smell. It will smell like peanut butter though so be ready to come up with an excuse as to why exactly you're heating peanut butter up..

nice cause i still live wit my dad and i cant have him knowing that i do anything like this

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Well you could actually do that ha. But you'd have to use less peanut butter, or flood the ice cream with it. Oh yeah and another bonus.. you can put it back in the jar and store it! I don't know how much potency you'll lose over time but..

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I used a big jar (don't know how many ounces) and put about a fourth in it. I have to eat a little too much though so I'd use more next time. And I'd also only do it one dose at a time next time. Next time I'll be a little more precise..

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Can you do this in the microwave?

And how much weed per peanut butter do you use?

People say you can, others say you can't.. I say don't risk it. The whole reason to heat it in the oven is because it needs to get hot enough for the THC to vaporize and also become activated. Just use an oven or toaster oven and play it safe :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
my friend says if u get weed a little wet and microwave it for 30 seconds it raises the THC content haha

try it ;)

mr j2

Well-Known Member
I heard of people heating it in the oven for a tiny bit so that the thc is activated and then using it. Supposedly it makes it a little stronger but then I bet it tastes like ass..

my friend says if u get weed a little wet and microwave it for 30 seconds it raises the THC content haha

try it ;)

mr j2

Well-Known Member
Damn..I just sat here eating crackers with this crap for like thirty minutes and I think I ate too many hahah. But nah, you can never have too much:mrgreen: I did need to get some stuff done though..:-|