early sexing

are there any secret ways to tell the s ex of a plant early just by looking at it? ive heard that if the tiny leaves that shoot out where the branch branches out from the main stem curl up, its a male, and if they curl down, its a female. can anone give me more info on this? Ill find out through experimentation but a knowledgable source insists you can tell this way. thnx


Some say smell can be a factor.. Some say if its more of a bush its likely female...some say thinkness of leaves...but 12/12 is the best early sexing ;) and just wait till you see those balls for a ball and the V shaped for female..I just wait for the balls and get mad at the plant and keep giving it the finger when I see it. :)


Well-Known Member
Smell doesn't work, either male or female can smell or not. Tried it once, marked the smelly ones, and not smelly ones. They were all mixed when they showed sex.