Eagle 20 advice! HELLLLLPPPPPP


Well-Known Member
I understand. I was told that as long as they are treated in veg with E20 and didn't put them to flower for at least 4 weeks after treating I would be fine. I was also told that I would need to flush very well and I wouldn't taste the E20 or anything
You cant flush it. The half life is so long there is no way to rid it from your plants. 286 days it was found in plants.

It is also only used on stuff you eat not smoke. You can't get around the hydrogen cyanide.

Its just not safe for cannabis. No ifs, ands or buts about it. Its a dangerous and shitty product to use on cannabis.

You can justify it all you want but it doesn't change the facts.


Well-Known Member
Green Cure (Potassium Bicarbonate) will be a good band aid to get you to the finish line if your crop gets hit with PM. 2 tblsp per gallon of water. Spray plants top to bottom, undersides of leaves etc. Completely saturate the plant. Do this every week until it is gone ( first application in my experience), then repat at half that strength every 2 wks. It'll brown pistols on the initial heavy 2 tblsp dose but they recover real quick. Its safe to use up to 1 hour before harvest and classified for organic use. That Eagle 20 is bad stuff and not meant for marijuana consumption. Whitebb2727 is correct in the length of its half life and the dangers carried with inhaling the smoke from the chemical used on cannabis. With so many other non-toxic organic options why use something so harsh and toxic?


Well-Known Member
Yes okay everyone, I really understand how toxic it is and how much you hate that people choose to use it but I didn't give anyone background on my plants, grow room, and conditions. I'm not a noob grower, thanks haha. PM came from some more mature plants I had in my room that I transferred into my grow from a friends room who had no idea about keeping the right conditions in their grow room. The first thing I do when I seen PM was increase my air flow, and lower humidity. Then I treated organically with neem oil twice which just helped for a second. At this point I've tired everything everyone's said so a friend who is a great grower suggested E20 if I wanted to never deal with it again. Of course he sold me on it and bam here I am with still PM Issues but it has only been a few days and I'm going to spray down with milk and water. My plants are on week 8 of veg and I usually veg around 12-14 weeks but I'm going to keep these in veg for another 8 weeks. So I really just wanted to know some of other people's experience with eagle 20. Not how they treat PM or what works for them. AND PEOPLE IF I NEED YOU TELL ME ABOUT MY HUMIDTY, TEMPS, ECT I would not be on this site or growing in general like if I'm using E20 on my cannabis you think I'm novice enough to not know how to keep my grow room. Come on.
That is why it is important to quarantine plants for a while and really inspect them before moving them into your grow room(s).

Chunky Stool

Well-Known Member
I know a gal who completely submerges new clones in mild peroxide -- roots & all. She says it's like baptising them. Sounds messy since a lot of things in soil float (perlite, wood bits, etc). Maybe she does it with something covering the top of the cup???
Might be a good idea, but I have personally never tried it. The rhizosphere will get a serious beat down, but it might be worth it in the long run.


Well-Known Member
I know a gal who completely submerges new clones in mild peroxide -- roots & all. She says it's like baptising them. Sounds messy since a lot of things in soil float (perlite, wood bits, etc). Maybe she does it with something covering the top of the cup???
Might be a good idea, but I have personally never tried it. The rhizosphere will get a serious beat down, but it might be worth it in the long run.

I've done this in the past with rooted cuttings for hydro I recieved from fellow growers/dispensary. This, a neem treatment afterwards and a few days of quarantine for any critters to expose themselves if they survived the assault. Likely not as easy of a task for soil rooted cuts though as you mentioned.