Dyna-Gro vs Advanced Nutrients Connoisseur (AK47 Grow)


Active Member
I agree, +/- a few ounces. The cost difference is one factor, how about the time it took to adjust the pH multiple times per week or the health of the plants or the yield difference?

True I agree too, and I hear the DG accumulate less salt build up on hydro systems especially with drip systems. I going to try DG on my next grow Thanks HB.


Well-Known Member
As much as I love DynaGro and the results I get from them, I don't think their bloom formula (3-12-6) has enough N to keep plants totally green early in flower. The easy fix was to add a couple mls per gallon of 'grow' into the mix which corrected any yellowing and premature leaf drop earlier on in flower. I don't think it was a light issue as I have not had that 'yellowing' issue since I started mixing grow and bloom.

EDIT: If you notice up at the top of the page, the DynaGro tray is starting to turn light green and would eventually work it's way to yellow. I will sometimes cut out the grow all together during the last two weeks just to see how the plants react. It doesn't take long for those leaves to lighten color when 'grow' isn't in the mix. It depends on each one of our setups but I'm a big fan of supplementing a touch of grow formula during flower.
Perhaps the need for nitrogen during flowering varies from strain to strain, the girls that I've been posting pics of have been on bloom only for the entire flowering period and have only started yellowing at about day 50.


Active Member
Hi HB, what you think of Flora nova?
Cheek out SCOTTYBALLS grow with only Flora Nova Bloom start to finish no additives and any other BS, only one bottle for the whole grow.
This looks simple and convenience and his grows looks pretty good!



Well-Known Member
How much grow formula you put during flower?
And how much bloom formula?
And theres any point during flower that you cut the grow formula or just keep it all the way to finish?
I feed at 1.2 EC and maybe 20% of that is ‘grow’ formula. Of the remaining 80%, most of that is bloom with maybe 1-2mls/gallon of magpro because I use RO. Protekt is also in there but it’s ppm contribution is pretty small. The point at which I cut back the ‘grow’ depends on the strain. Lets just say week 7 on average but most of the time, I run it ‘till harvest.

True I agree too, and I hear the DG accumulate less salt build up on hydro systems especially with drip systems. I going to try DG on my next grow Thanks HB.
Connoisseur performed just as well as DG in regards to salt buildup or lack thereof. I used to run a drip system years ago and I could tell after a few weeks that GH was a little salty. Turns out it’s maybe 40% saltier than DG? I tested it somewhere in one of these journals.

Perhaps the need for nitrogen during flowering varies from strain to strain, the girls that I've been posting pics of have been on bloom only for the entire flowering period and have only started yellowing at about day 50.
Your plants look stellar so just continue to read your plants and tweak your schedule accordingly. Mine needed ‘grow’, yours apparently do not. Keep us posted on your results.


Homebrewer, I hope that you don't stop your post. They have been helpful in the form of having good idea's to follow. For every bad comment there are 10 people that like reading your journal.


Active Member
Hell... for every negative jerk out there, there are probably 100 or more who benefit from homebrewers posts


Well-Known Member
You can clearly see that the extra N took its toll on the Connoisseur grow. i am amazed at the results I'm getting using dynagrow at very weak concentrations, My girls in mid flower are completely happy at .9 EC, and the mature girls are coasting along at .5EC. at day 58 I'm showing a little yellow in the fan leaves as you would expect so close to harvest. I have not been adding any extra N to the bloom mix. I encourage everyone to have a go at running very low nute levels, I know I was pleasantly surprised. My buds look the best of anything I've ever grown.
HB has really sped up my learning curve by pointing me in the low nute level direction. I could have continued feeding at a normal 800 ppm and chased my tail trying to figure out whats wrong. I look back on feeding at 1200ppm, and getting signs of calcium and magnesium def. I even thought I had tobacco mosaic virus while burning my girls at "normal feeding levels".

Question for HB
I know you like to add the 1ml of grow to your bloom nutes to give a little extra N. I remember you commenting in one of your earlier journals that the lower leaves were showing some yellow and started adding N to correct this. Do you think that the yellow may have just been from low light at the bottom of the canopy, and not a N deficiency. My grow was a little less dense than yours with just 3 plants under the 600watt, and never showed the pale undergrowth.
funny u say that that, i was feeding with 3.0ml per 5 gal because i was so high i was thinking i was mixing my 1gal jugs from when they were younger..lol. well funny thing is they looked great and were as healthy as it got for the longest time, they seem to love love the lighter mix over the 3tsp for 5gal i was feeding them.


Active Member
HB,just read threw the hole thread errm 2 hours ha.
I think youve done a brilliant job but the problem is is theres random bullshit posts that have made it a bit of a bore to go threw,the forums going to pot and its a shame,mod should be in here cleaning this thread up and thread made a sticky if you ask me,it really is a shame how people like your self,uncle ben and others are just leaving but I cant really blam you all,I hardly use here any more too,I mainly use strainehunters,bit more of a family enviroment...

Well Youve convinced me on the DynaGrow as im a person who like to keep it simple and not have to worry about ph problems,Ive found like 1 supplier in the UK,better then none and I will be following your guide,you should pop in strainhunters as theres dedicated test sections were youl get nutes and what not sent for test,Il run this against ghs nutes and what id say my most used fert vitalink max vs a few others,I wont be to detaied it will be purely on how plant looks and yield so others can see and make up there own opinions...

I do hope it is as good as it looks for me as I am looking for a easier fert that maintains ph..

Thank you for your time and dont let the minority dis hearten you..

Please update with final weight and smoke report,I look forward to it.
Take care


Well-Known Member
Isn't it amazing that restraint goes a long way with these plants? How many more days do you have there? They look perfect.
yep, it is amazing!
I'm not sure how much longer.., no amber yet and only a few cloudy trich's. It's my first time with this strain, supposed to be durban poison. A fast finishing pure sativa from africa.


Well-Known Member
yep, it is amazing!
I'm not sure how much longer.., no amber yet and only a few cloudy trich's. It's my first time with this strain, supposed to be durban poison. A fast finishing pure sativa from africa.
If it's truly a sativa, I wouldn't wait until you see amber. That'll just bog down an energetic high.

A quick trimming update: Connoisseur has grown some very leafy plants, more leafy than I'm used to which is easily adding 50% more time to my harvesting. In addition, the little bud leaves that literally grow out of the buds are tip-burned so I'm now spending additional time manicuring more than I should have to. I will say this though, once the buds are trimmed and manicured, they look very good.



Well-Known Member
yep, it is amazing!
I'm not sure how much longer.., no amber yet and only a few cloudy trich's. It's my first time with this strain, supposed to be durban poison. A fast finishing pure sativa from africa.
If it's truly a sativa, I wouldn't wait until you see amber. That'll just bog down an energetic high.
I'm with HB here. That stuff looks so ready to chop. Love the chunky look to those nugs. (Yours too, HB) :D