Dying plant Help


Active Member
Pistils turned orange and then started receding leaves are going south. Leaves are getting very yellow except around caylex. Can't take photo. There aren't many trichoms buds haven't swelled. What little trichoms I have are clear. Please reply.
growace. What is the stage buds and trichoms swell? Total Nubee. Afraid!
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Well-Known Member
That's pretty normal for all that, except the yellow leaves which are just a little minor problem. How old is this plant? If it's near or in the flowering stage, it's either nutrient burn or nitrogen deficiency, but there's a whole range of other things it could be, but those are the two most likely things that it could be.


Active Member
Hey bong,
Thanks for ur reply. I'm about 7 week after 12 and 12. First great white pistils then orange, now reded. Not many Trichs. I have new new nutes ordeded. I have had every problem u can have on this first grow. I think their Ok need opinion. N is on the way.
Thanks growace


Well-Known Member
What strain is it? Because if you're 7 weeks into flowering she may not have long left, might be worth holding off on the nutes now and just let nature take its course.

More generally, from what I have read - buds tend to fatten up the most in the last couple of weeks, so they should start filling out now.


Well-Known Member
Oh, well now that I think of it, you're in your 7th week of flowering right? If you are, it's pretty natural for leaves to turn yellow, and by this stage it's perfectly fine, you should start flushing by this stage unless you have a sativa strain or something that takes a little bit longer. You can look at your trichs, once you have about 30-70% ambers you can start flushing, depending on what type of high you want.