DWC wilting sun leaves

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
Those 2 inches are exposed in an area of close to 100% humidity so that should not be an issue. When i do DWC 2 inches below the net pot is pretty much what I maintain start too finish......


Thanks everyone for your input ,
had a bad week as the hole plant became effected on the 2 hybrids . Did a bucket change with clean H2O and am leaning towards nitrgen overload and bad PH Meter .
Those of you that were leaning this way have me swayed , PH600 pen seemd to be junk went with a Hanna yesterday .
PH is truely 5.5 and will wait a week to see how well they recover , grow shop said Nitro Deff and gave me 4 sample packs of Open Seaseme and Cha/Ching ...Really ?
My leaves are wet looking and I have zero yellowing 2 weeks into flower did he mean toxicity ? lol
Will post pics of the hole plant soon , maybe they can help someone in the future :weed:
Will keep you posted on how well or poorly they do with this approach , everything else has been put back to normal , minus the extra air stones (I just left em in)

