Durban Poison BHO- small scale and without vac pump.


I just wanted to share a recent example of a micro run tech. Typically return a few grams, so obviously nothing commercial scale here.

This was Durban Poison, one of my favorite strains

Blasted using off the shelf smaller glass blow tube and vector. Pyrex dish heated with heating pad, on top of a piece of slate to retain heat during butane evap. Once the liquid butane is gone, pour in a bit of 99% iso, move around in the pan to mix, and then leave on heat until hard and all the alcohol is gone. The point of the alcohol is to increase the mobility of the residual butane within the concentrate/solvent mixture without vacuum for anyone wondering.

Because of the small scale you're also able to evap with a very thin film to get rid of the solvent a lot easier. Always returns hard stable shatter with good clarity.

No winterizing or anything, but it burns smooth and silent on the nail, as good as anything I've tried from anyone else. Just wanted to show you don't need a vac pump or anything fancy to make good concentrate easily and quickly for personal use.



Well-Known Member
So your basically winterizing it except not using a freezer and straining the fats n such. Your right though it works great, I do that to my dishes because I can't really scrape the corners very well. Makes a beautiful shatter. Yours looks very nice as well!


So your basically winterizing it except not using a freezer and straining the fats n such. Your right though it works great, I do that to my dishes because I can't really scrape the corners very well. Makes a beautiful shatter. Yours looks very nice as well!
Thanks! I've noticed that I seem to get a harder and more solid shatter consistency when using the alcohol compared to just purging the butane straight, I'm not sure if that means I wasn't purging completely back when I didn't use alcohol or what. Maybe I'm getting rid of more moisture somehow, although that seems a bit counter intuitive considering even the 99% I use is still going to going to be adding water. Perhaps some sort of effect of a longer time with larger amounts of solvent being evaporated takes more water with it. Or more goodies evaporate into the air, hopefully not.

I wouldn't really call it winterizing considering there is no freezing or filtering involved, but it is something I'd like to try in the future. I'm paranoid about putting alcohol into a freezer, and don't think my regular one will get cold enough anyway, so I was flirting with the idea of using dry ice in a cooler or something. Maybe one day lol.

Either way it's a cheap and easy method without much room for error. When it's hard it's done and the end product is great.

The flavor quality of mine has always been great, but stuff from the clubs usually has a bit stronger flavor overall, but bit harsher. I've heard of some extraction places adding terps into their bho to boost flavor, not sure if they do that here (might account for the slightly softer consistency? Just guessing) or perhaps their more professional vac tech simply keeps more terps in the final product to begin with.

There is definitely room for improvement with the way I'm doing it, but I've reached a very happy medium of time/effort/money invested vs. return on that investment. :)