dumb mistaks lead to getting caught


Active Member
just got done reading atleast a hundred stories about people caught growing and it seems the biggest thing that gets people in trouble is having a big mouth. if you keep your hobby to yourself you completely avoid the biggest risk. never tell anyone what you are doing.

also, it seems the second biggest problem is smell, so make one of the filters or buy an ion filter (around 30 bucks) and you eliminate this problem

by avoiding these two dumb mistakes you reduce your risks substantially

i haven't seen any stories about people getting caught because of using credit cards to buy related supplies or an increase electric bill causing concern

starting this i was a little paranoid, but it seems that if you use common sense it is actually a pretty safe hobby


Active Member
i have been informed by a few people now that ion filters are good for the plants but terrible at reducing odor - you having any luck with them?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
You were told wrong ion generators are bad for plants and thats why they should not be in a grow room or too close.They cause atmostsperic damage similar to acid rain to leaves causing death and stress.They work good to cover oder in outside rooms but a good carbon scrubber or hepa system will work best to mask odor along with something like ona that absorbs smell and gives off a pleaseant scent.


Well-Known Member
yeah, really the best thing to kill the smell is a good carbon filter:) nothing can beat those:) O3 generators suck ass!:D

Moon Shadow

Well-Known Member
Those statement are so wrong and I think you know it.

The greatest concentration of neg ion is niagra falls.

So here is what you are saying

It smells bad at niagra falls and weed plants won't grow there.

I'll be with video man.


Well-Known Member
Those statement are so wrong and I think you know it.

The greatest concentration of neg ion is niagra falls.

So here is what you are saying

It smells bad at niagra falls and weed plants won't grow there.

I'll be with video man.
dude, you can't be video, you can't even copy his style, so what the hell:mrgreen:

and can you explain to me how a waterfall ionizes air?!:-?


Well-Known Member
Normally only about one atom in 100,000,000,000,000,000 is ionized making a total of maybe 1000-2000 ions per cubic centimeter (that's like a handful of planets floating in a circle 4 billion miles in diameter). These are usually balanced pretty evenly between positive and negative, with a slight edge toward positive. "However, the normal may not be the optimal," Fred Soyka told New Realities. "On the seashore, where water is always falling, you have about 2000 negative to 1000 positive. That seems to be the ratio that human beings respond to most favorably."

We have all experienced this positive effect, regardless of our proximity to waterfalls or the ocean. Every home has a built in, natural ionizer-the shower. Our daily bath rituals are, in effect, the practice of preventive medicine. Research has shown that falling water creates thousands of negative ions by splitting other wise neutral particles of air, freeing electrons to manifest their vitalizing function. These electrons join up with smaller air particles, thus giving them a predominantly negative charge.


Well-Known Member
Those statement are so wrong and I think you know it.

The greatest concentration of neg ion is niagra falls.

So here is what you are saying

It smells bad at niagra falls and weed plants won't grow there.

I'll be with video man.

See Ya later man. after one month your leaving. go post in the cry baby thread and see if someone will miss ya


Well-Known Member
how much would one plant smell outdoors?
It totally depends on the strain. Some strains seem to smell 20x more intense when flowering than others. In addition to the sheer intensity of the smell, some strains smell less like traditional marijuana and more like something less incriminating.

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
You were told wrong ion generators are bad for plants and thats why they should not be in a grow room or too close.They cause atmostsperic damage similar to acid rain to leaves causing death and stress.
Fletch, it depends on the sort of ozone generator/ioniser used.

There's two basic kinds of O3 gens- high voltage corona discharge and ultraviolet. Corona ionisers work by maintaining a high voltage potential across a pair of electrodes of some sort. UV ionisers have special ionising fluorescent tubes.

one of my UV ionisers

Corona type ionisers DO create oxides of nitrogen which combine with water/humidity to create nitric acid, just as you note. Your very own home-made 'acid rain!' They also rapidly collect dust and dirt on their electrodes, requiring frequent cleaning (at least 1x week).

However, UV based O3 gens don't generate nitrogen oxides and don't collect as much dust.

I've seen some comments saying ionisers/ozone gens are useless for scent control.

i have been informed by a few people now that ion filters are good for the plants but terrible at reducing odor - you having any luck with them?
yeah, really the best thing to kill the smell is a good carbon filter:) nothing can beat those:) O3 generators suck ass!:D
Someone's been handing out some seriously bad advice.

Ionisers, whether corona or UV type, are highly effective at scent control, so effective that they will de-scent buds still on a plant if used in a flowering area. Mind you, I'm talking about serious ionisers, not the $30 'shower yourself with negative ions!!!' type toys.

Ionisers have the added benefit of killing mould spores and bacteria wafting in air. You'll often see UV ionisers in meat shops and at the entry to hospital emergency rooms for the purpose of killing stray pathogens.

Carbon filters are good for scent control, but must have their activated carbon filters replaced periodically. I've tried re-activating carbon filters by baking them, which does re-activate them to some extent, but the re-activated carbon only works about half as long as fresh carbon. However, baking won't remove accumulated dust from carbon filters. They also can not kill pathogens in air.


Active Member
Here's 1000 words for ya Al..

And the propaganda from their website reads..

The Aironic AH 202 is a negative ion generator that works ideally in bedrooms, small offices and studies, and has an effective range of 28 sq metres. It measures 107mm wide x 112mm sits comfortably on any table (would you like a pillow Mr. Ionozer?) and weighs just 240 grams. This is the portable, compact, multi-purpose ioniser that restores the air. * Available at Dick Smith Electronics shops around Australia.

So seeing as it would have cost around $80 Aus (about $50 US?) I'm guessing it's slightly better than a "$30 'shower yourself with negative ions!!!' type toy." What's your opinion?

BTW, the dispenser of bad advice had the unit located in his grow cupboard but it was behind the extractor fan, so it couldn't do the buds any damage.


Active Member
RE: Dumbmistakes
I'm a newbie, but I'm straying from Newbie Central temporarily to post a link to a news story related to the original topic of this thread, Dumb Mistakes...Video Player 2.0
If you have seen thousands of stories like this and didn't want another , sorry. I thought some of the things mentioned in the story might have been of some interest/amusement.


Well-Known Member
Depends on the strain. Some strains really stink the place up while others are fairly mild.


Well-Known Member
RE: Dumbmistakes
I'm a newbie, but I'm straying from Newbie Central temporarily to post a link to a news story related to the original topic of this thread, Dumb Mistakes...Video Player 2.0
If you have seen thousands of stories like this and didn't want another , sorry. I thought some of the things mentioned in the story might have been of some interest/amusement.

DUDE!!! wtf the cop in that movie said they were getting a contact hi from touching the plants!!!!!!!!! what a dip shit.


Well-Known Member
Small scale growers don't really have much to worry about. So long as only aa very trusted few know you should be fine. The guys getting caught are usually growing on an industrial scale in residential areas. Electricity must be stolen, and this is the first part of evidence the police obtain. After this they will investigate the property and usually find what they expected to.


New Member
dumbass ppl who feel that they have a right to grow it or have it in their possession due to state law are the ones that are going to get caught. i see alot refer to “medical marijuana” on these boards. u all need to get it through your head. any weed is illegal in thd U.S. u all just need to shh and grow your tomatoes in peace like the happy little gardeners we are.