Dual Grow


Well-Known Member
I guess since my homie dropped off more jars then I will do the whole load the jars tek in detail this time, since peeps seem more interested in the mushies right now. Should have pins and then flush over the next few days, so stay tuned!

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
yea beer!!, LoL. man i drank a bunch of red stripe beer when we went on a cruise to jamaica a few years ago, its pretty good.


Well-Known Member
So the tek I am useing is 1 cup brf, 1 cup water, 2 cups vermiculite for 5 1/2 pint jars. Jars need to be shoulderless. Mix h2o and vermiculite very well, then add the brf and mix and mix. Put mix in the jars but do not pack tight, yet do not leave big airspaces in the jar. Leave 1/2" space from the top and wipe the rim off with a clean napkin to lessen chance of contam. Fill to top with straight vermiculite, it will be a contam barrier. Put on pre-made top tightly, cover with tinfoil, and steam for 90 min.:-P:-P:-P


Well-Known Member
Hey cho lookin good on both ur grows. Well the mushies r lookin kinda nasty but thats a good thing I guess. Thanks 4 the tips on my cab! I think that dude meant neg pressure but IDK. Stop back in when u get a chance I put a webcam in ma cab.


Well-Known Member
Hey cho lookin good on both ur grows. Well the mushies r lookin kinda nasty but thats a good thing I guess. Thanks 4 the tips on my cab! I think that dude meant neg pressure but IDK. Stop back in when u get a chance I put a webcam in ma cab.
Yes, I think he did, he just got mixed up, but that is not good info to tell peeps. Your cab with a vid hookup, wild dude!